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Does someone have a list of sale so far games yet?
If you do can I get a post to it please thanks
DieselX: Does someone have a list of sale so far games yet?
If you do can I get a post to it please thanks
Check the 1st post of the thread.
Post edited March 02, 2015 by Grargar
Loghaire90: Nice. Got Wasteland 2 for free. I'm so happy now.
Now I'm envious ;-)
high rated
The_Blog: Came back into the room and Wasteland 2 just flipped >.<
I never even saw XWing. :) But I was part of the problem with W2 - glad to get this one on my shelf.
FearfulSymmetry: I just got my first GOGbear! :)
me too
I'm playing Battle Isle 2 right now in a window next to the sale. Although I like History Line better. Recommended for anyone who likes turnbased hexes.
DieselX: Does someone have a list of sale so far games yet?
If you do can I get a post to it please thanks
First post of this very thread?
FearfulSymmetry: I just got my first GOGbear! :)
amrit9037: me too
They're always free. And there's no limit on them. :)
Sachys: Dont really want to spam this, but a reminder that TBBBBOB donations are open for GOGs only during this promo!
MarkoH01: I really don't understand what TBBBBOB does stand for and what it means.
"THE BIZARRELY BONZA BONANZA BAZAAR OF BAZOOKERY!" It's a giveaway that Sachys and foxworks run.
yyahoo: Well, it was *much* cheaper in the "Welcome back temporarily Nordic" sale a couple months ago. IIRC, if you bought the entire Nordic catalog, it was 90% off...
BwieDieter: Plus, it´s really a shit game from what I´ve seen and heard. Even the promozional materiaal looks crummy.
No it's not - ist's actually pretty great with detailed background graphics. Only the animations are a bit sloooooowww. Why would they make two prequels if the game were that bad?
HunchBluntley: Yep, added after my post. :)
IAmSinistar: Actually, added before. :)
Yeah, I think you must've added it while I was writing that post. This thread moves WAAAY too fast for me. =)
The_Blog: Came back into the room and Wasteland 2 just flipped >.<
budejovice: I never even saw XWing. :) But I was part of the problem with W2 - glad to get this one on my shelf.
I got the very last copy of XWing so everybody his own I guess ^^
Looks like I have to wait till the second round.
apehater: thats so odd, after nordic's bitching back in august about how impossible it is to sell their games here on gog, it's the second time that they sell them again here.
Grargar: Impossible to sell them for an extended period of time.
sounds just as an excuse, to cover their tactic: they just force people to buy their games first with limited avaibility
Wow, I didn't even see Wasteland 2 - I was doing something else, and I came back to SpaceCom. O_o
DieselX: Does someone have a list of sale so far games yet?
If you do can I get a post to it please thanks
Grargar: Check the 1st post of the thread.
Gotta love those posts. :)