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Tarnicus: Thanks for posting that. I know quite a few who will be happy to see movies go. I wouldn't mind if they went from this sale as they keep holding it up :P
skeletonbow: I'm indifferent to the current movie collection on GOG being here, however it is quite a yawnfest. I watched that Indie Movie (came in a bundle I bought a while back) and it was interesting, but not something I'd have paid money for on purpose. Personally the only thing I'd be interested in buying video-wise online on any platform at all would be DRM-free hollywood movies and TV shows, high end documentaries, food/nutrition/health related documentaries/videos, and stand up comedy like Louis CK or similar. Low end videos or indie stuff doesn't interest me at all when it comes to video. I might be coaxed into watching one and maybe even enjoying it on youtube or something but it's not something I'd look at in an online catalogue and spend money to chance it or something like that. :)
Those would definitely interest me too!
ElTerprise: Until now i didn't we're still in the second round for the fresh deals.
dgwake: Good.
I assumed we were in third round by now.
No still 15 games to go.
Pardinuz: I did but there's still another round, right?
Yup, it's still up for round 3.
Unreal Gold, eh?

This will probably take a while. I'm going to plant a tree.
Probably up next:
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption (-75%) [300]
Monster Bash (-75%) [100]
Thunderscape (-75%) [100]
Vangers (-75%) [100]
The Black Mirror (-75%) [150] *
Battle Isle Platinum (-75%) [150]
Corsairs Gold (-75%) [150]
ElTerprise: Until now i didn't we're still in the second round for the fresh deals.
dgwake: Good.
I assumed we were in third round by now.
You underestimate the time it takes for a Insomnia Sale to pass through. The last ones were about a week long because at the end everything will take ages to go by.
Sachys: Oh, didnt miss it.
IAmSinistar: Which 'un is that?
Not saying. Nope!

There are those that would spear my box of in with such things!
Unreal Gold up again.

Again no critical hit. Obiviously it's more likely that Half-Life 3 gets confirmed than me getting a critical hit ;).
CRIT on X-Wing.
I now have a gift copy for someone who may have missed it
apehater: missed it, but on purpose, its still too pricy for me
I don't think it's going to get any cheaper anytime soon, but I've got an extra if you'd like it. :)
xycury: finally a critical hit: STAR WARS™: X-WING SPECIAL EDITION

Though I'm not much of a Star Wars fan, but it looks like Descent so I'm happy.
Now that's a nice crit. Congrats. :)
Crewdroog: so i wanted to understand what all the fuss is over Vangers. Watched the video. wtf just happened?
OMG Crew you should be so open posting on here about watching videos of vaginas! (I always misread that game as Vagners for some reason) :P
IAmSinistar: Which 'un is that?
Sachys: Not saying. Nope!

There are those that would spear my box of in with such things!
Who would do such a thing! You know it's safe to tell us as we are your friends and would never stoop to such levels. :-)
j0ekerr: Unreal Gold, eh?

This will probably take a while. I'm going to plant a tree.
Help Woodsie spread the word,
Tell your friends what you've heard,
No matter where you go,
You can plant a tree to grow!
Jeysie: Makes me glad I already bought Dark Dungeons. Wonder why they're winding it down.
skeletonbow: Well, it's not confirmed so we don't know that for sure. If they do stop offering movies though my personal guess would be that they possibly weren't making enough money off of the existing lineup to make it worthwhile, and are unable to secure big name movies or shows with worldwide distribution rights as that is next to impossible as they said in their Twitch TV broadcast a few months back. The only way they could bring hollywood stuff here is if GOG customers would be willing to accept movies/TV shows with regional distribution as that's how ownership works in the movie industry on practically every film produced, with different owners on each property. If the customer feedback they got from our community here was a wall of "worldwide distribution or nothing at all thanks" like I suspect, then we'd more or less be leading towards the "ok, nothing at all it is then" because there aren't other options available from what has been said.
If that's the case, I wonder if they are doing it the wrong way. It should have been clear from the start that they can't get worldwide distribution rights for big Hollywood movies and TV series.

But why are they just looking at movies from the USA? There are so many great indie movies from all around the world that never have seen a release outside their country. And yet for many of them there a English subtitles available (and so they could be sold here), because they had a start at festivals or because the makers tried to sell them to foreign countries.

I would try to get some of those onboard. Should be a lot easier and as far as I concerned I would also be much more interested in these unknown movies than in the boring blockbuster stuff.