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Wasteland 2 is flying away too quickly, clearly the next game is going to be Jack Keane so they can breathe a little.
blotunga: Yes. Get it, I mean it!
I did. Cheers. :)
And another Swing and a miss...

On a side note - the first round of the Fall and Spring Insomnia Promos were done by now, IIRC.
Grargar: New Fresh deal: Wasteland 2 Digital Classic Edition (-60%) [200]
Really, really tempting.
But with my backlog I just can't justify another big game, at least not for more than a little change. My wife would kill me.
IanM: am I right in thinking Black Mirror 3 never was and might never be released on GOG?
Grargar: It was never released on GOG before and it might only be released when GOG and Nordic come to an agreement about the pricing.
MarkoH01: Your first statement: Yes. The second depend upon the question if Nordic Games will return to GOG completeley. After that it MAY be.
IAmSinistar: Very likely. Especially as they can only convince the games to come back during sales.
Thanks, will be passing on these until the complete is available, should that ever happen.
New Seasoned deal: Battle Isle Platinum (-75%) [150]
New Fresh deal: Spacecom (-75%) [100]
Came back into the room and Wasteland 2 just flipped >.<
Post edited March 02, 2015 by The_Blog
Nice. Got Wasteland 2 for free. I'm so happy now.
Next up -

Seasoned - Battle Isle Platinum - 150 at 75% off

Fresh - Spacecom - 100 at 75% off
IAmSinistar: I did. Cheers. :)
Good call :). I'm about half-way through and it's great...
Wasteland 2!!! got it. Was waiting for it. wasn't a freebie, but still great at 60% off :)
Sachys: Dont really want to spam this, but a reminder that TBBBBOB donations are open for GOGs only during this promo!
I really don't understand what TBBBBOB does stand for and what it means.
apehater: thats so odd, after nordic's bitching back in august about how impossible it is to sell their games here on gog, it's the second time that they sell them again here.
Yeah, but their problem seemed to be what GOG's *regular* non-sale price would be in comparison to other distributors. Sale prices don't appear to be a problem. That said, it is an odd situation. I think it only underlines that GOG and Nordic are on good terms in general, they just can't find a way around the currency conversion issue that lead to Nordic leaving.
I just got my first GOGbear! :)
apehater: thats so odd, after nordic's bitching back in august about how impossible it is to sell their games here on gog, it's the second time that they sell them again here.
Impossible to sell them for an extended period of time.