rtcvb32: Never said anything about stealing from your hard drive.
neumi5694: Neither did I. Read again.
let's read it again
neumi5694: If you copied and used my source code I would be mad as hell, even if I still got it on my hard disc
This implies i had to get it from your hard disc...
neumi5694: ... really now. Criticise me for my words, not your fantasies.
Which i'd happily go back to. Abandonware is hardly 'piracy', neither literal nor anything else.
neumi5694: Yep. It is not your right to copy or distribute or use them. That's illegal.
I'm not convinced it's illegal. Remember these are from companies that have long since moved on, or companies that don't exist anymore.
What if i said having abandonware sites was actually lawful and just?
Consider: Copyright is intended to 'encourage the creation of arts and works, granting it's creators a limited time of ownership over them'. This means eventually everything goes public domain. But if it's gone after 10 years, it can never enter public domain, and is an art and work that is lost forever. Especially considering the bitrot of older media, it would be nearly impossible to have anything survive from tape, cassette, disc, hell even paper (
thinking BASIC on paper roll tape) unless it's actively being preserved, and with a company like microsoft that wants you to buy a new OS every 4 years and completely discards the old one, you think they would preserve it and it's source code to release in 80+ years?
Also consider, after 4 years, discs, books and everything in production with a product tends to end. This means after that point they probably aren't going to make any more copies period; So all the physical copies are already made. Once they are taken off shelves, can it be considered correct to deprive yourself of something you can't buy anyways?
neumi5694: I don't have to define anything, the law does.
There are laws that are immoral, yet legal.
There are things that are illegal but only because they state it is.
This doesn't justify that. And no one is going to look up every law in existence to make sure they are following them. It's said there's so many laws on the books, that everyone commits 3 felonies a day.
neumi5694: But in this case: Use and distribution of intellectual property without permission.
People spent hours and lots of money to create something. Even if it only exists on paper or digitally, it has value.
That's why I buy games on GOG rather than copying them, which would be an easy thing to do.
Yes. But this is stuff that should have gone to public domain already. Corporations want to own everything forever. The reason for the length of copyright, was intended that you could make a profit off your work, not make a profit forever off your work. Also we see where companies try to make money off huge catalogs forever, become greedy machines that pump out crap and are falling apart under the weight of their own hubris (
EA, Disney, Activision & Blizzard, Ubisoft)
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