Tauto: Down votes,what's that?:)
summitus: ha ha .... you got to laugh they are so pathetic, also hard to understand why GOG insists on keeping this joke of a rep system when its so much abused by certain sad fuckers and their sycophantic minions.
Protip: If I were receiving validation from Tauto, wakalo, or some others I can't remember now I would start to wonder if I didn't take a wrong turn somewhere. Paraphrasing Roy Greenhilt "
His approval fills me with shame."
Their opinion simply carries a very different weight as if it had come from JMich, SCPM, Grargar, mrkgnao or IAmSinistar - people who are admired by the community at large and with good reason. Tauto's rep is so low because of things he did and said (which you might not be aware of), to the point that whenever I see a post by him I know a
deserved downvote is coming and my hand subconsciously moves the mouse to hover around the downvote button. Hopefully someday he'll start acting more like the people I mentioned and
deserve lots of upvotes, but so far I never saw it.
Also: yeah posting codes openly like that
is a matter of being a dick and inviting bots and scammers. If you like that go ahead, I won't stop you.
Edit: post modified long after the fact because I noticed I didn't make as much sense as I first thought :)