Dracomut1990: My ideal review is something that is fair to the game (even if it is awful) and does not let nostalgia or bias get in the way still getting personal. I think the best reviews are technically two in one, one where the reviewer is giving their biased opinion and one where they get unbiased and give how they think others would like it. Like if I were to review Star Control 2, I would sing praises on how much I love its gameplay, story, and universe but then get back to reality and explain what I think others would hate even though in my eye they are nitpicks. Its a hard balance to find I know, but still...
As a whole I do think technical issues belong to the forum, HOWEVER if the technical problem is persistent even after hours and hours of troubleshooting or several people have the exact same problem I can accept a small review alerting everyone of the technical issue (like what happened with Dungeon Keeper 2 a while back).
Don't get me wrong ;) Sounds now quite different from the beginning ;)
But for this definition we agree!
And I must say, I do NOT understand why your original comment is being down-voted. Except from people who do not like an open discussion and are AGAINST freedom of speech.
IF YOU WHO DOWNVOTED would at least say so and voice what you don't like, THAT WOULD be a discussion, but just hiding behind a downvote button is plain stupid!!!
Feel free to downvote it as you like, it will just prove the point.
A discourse is also to test oneself opinion, but just downvoting without participating is a dictatorship.
So back to the discussion ;)
Even if you look at professional reviews even they do not meat your high standards ;) But that seems to be a problem of the new age. (No I don't ant to single you out tomyam80 ;) ) If you look at like text speech, comments on other platforms, TV and so on: Everything is being just downgraded too yes or no, with us or against us, just black and white.
So I put forward the hypothesis, that a lot of people can not longer really participate in a proper discussion or even understand what a discussion really means. They can often just be mean without even thinking further what they really propagate with this.
As a positive criticism for your opinion:
You think that technical problems just belong in the forum: Nice example in the moment (not 100% sure if it true), the latest patch for TW3 has downgraded the FPS to 20 (on consoles), IMHO opinion that shall be in a review, right at the front. Some people might say, no it does not belong in a review.
Now, if you would be the buyer: Is it critical information? Me thinks Yes ;) PLUS GOG could always make an add-on saying it has been fixed and the reviewer could confirm or still disagree.
Even small technical problems can be a throwback for some customers (thinking off in-game music here ;) )
But again, I think it is better to have such information prior in the review, than just at the end. The first thing you want is a WORKING product, am I right? What it is, at least for me, is only the secondary question, as if it is not running no description/review would help me at all ;)
Which brings us back to a fair review:
Now for TW3 (as I said, I think in the moment the best example):
Is it a fantastic game with stunning graphics, yes for sure.
Has it got a good game-play/scenario, yes for sure.
Is it NOW for some people unplayable, unfortunate, I think yes. (20 FPS is even less than on the old TV's!!! ;) )
So for a fair review in this case, it WOULD mean to first say, sorry console guys, you are screwed, but TW3 is great ;)
Disclaimer: I do not have a console with TW3 and I can only re post what has been written in other medias.
Disclaimer 2: All what has been stated is MY OWN OPINION