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So the latest version of Dolphin just got released and I for one couldn’t have been more existed. I have a passion for emulators and this is a huge improvement over the last one. The Gamecube was one of the last of the truly great gaming consoles, but it won't be around forever. Thanks to Dolphin it's games will be immortalised on the internet for everyone to enjoy. So go play some Wind Waker and Metroid Prime :P

Also don’t forget to try out Super Mario Galaxy with a Mouse and Keyboard in place of a Wii remote. You might be surprised at how good it works
Appearently you can just talk about emulators all willy nilly in these public forums that would frown upon the "promotion" of such material :P

Anyway I just wish Saturn Emulation is not such a pain.
Post edited June 25, 2016 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: Appearently you can just talk about emulators all willy nilly in these public forums that would frown upon the "promotion" of such material :P

Anyway I just wish Saturn Emulation is not such a pain.
Well, people wanting to even develop for the Saturn shared your pain in the past.
Yesss!! I have been waiting months for this to start my Resident Evil 4 playthrough; there was this bug with black squares. Still no way to play Silent Hill Shattered Memories decently with this new stable release but maybe the next... Dolphin is my favorite emulator of the 3 I use; PCSX2 and PPSSPP are the other ones.
koima57: Dolphin is my favorite emulator of the 3 I use; PCSX2 and PPSSPP are the other ones.
For me, the problem with those emulators are that they are for systems more modern than I generally am interested in emulating.

In fact, I have an informal "two generation" rule for emulation; I won't emulate commercial console games unless they're for a system that is at least 2 generations old, and PPSSPP is not capable of emulating such a system.

Anyway, I happen to like mednafen since it can run on the Linux console without having to start X, and it doesn't need a mouse. One thing I don't like about mednafen, however, is that it asks you to assign keys to turbo buttons, and I would rather not do so. (The games I play don't need them (and in the rare case that it does, I consider it a flaw in the game), and I prefer not to use them, a d sometimes I might be using a controller that doesn't have any spare buttons for turbo.)

DOSBox is another emulator I like to use. One issue is that I can start it from the Linux console (no X), but the keymap is all messed up when I do that, and I can't even start a game or even type the "exit" command from the prompt. Also, some games that run under it use the mouse, and the one on my laptop isn't the most reliable.
Elmofongo: Appearently you can just talk about emulators all willy nilly in these public forums that would frown upon the "promotion" of such material :P

Anyway I just wish Saturn Emulation is not such a pain.
I will promote it. It's the best free software money can buy.
Tbh the only NGC/Wii games I ever cared for were Resident Evil remake and Zero, but those now have PC ports so meh.
Crosmando: Tbh the only NGC/Wii games I ever cared for were Resident Evil remake and Zero, but those now have PC ports so meh.
You don't even wanna play Metroid Prime?!
koima57: Dolphin is my favorite emulator of the 3 I use; PCSX2 and PPSSPP are the other ones.
dtgreene: For me, the problem with those emulators are that they are for systems more modern than I generally am interested in emulating.

In fact, I have an informal "two generation" rule for emulation; I won't emulate commercial console games unless they're for a system that is at least 2 generations old, and PPSSPP is not capable of emulating such a system.

Anyway, I happen to like mednafen since it can run on the Linux console without having to start X, and it doesn't need a mouse. One thing I don't like about mednafen, however, is that it asks you to assign keys to turbo buttons, and I would rather not do so. (The games I play don't need them (and in the rare case that it does, I consider it a flaw in the game), and I prefer not to use them, a d sometimes I might be using a controller that doesn't have any spare buttons for turbo.)

DOSBox is another emulator I like to use. One issue is that I can start it from the Linux console (no X), but the keymap is all messed up when I do that, and I can't even start a game or even type the "exit" command from the prompt. Also, some games that run under it use the mouse, and the one on my laptop isn't the most reliable.
And they do necessite a powerful processing computer, and often case-by-case emulator settings to run correctly.

I use them for convenience, not pirating. Full HD screen for my PSP games instead of the awful Vita Tv result, 1080p instead of the poor, grainy 480p of my native Wii and ditto for my blury Ps2 screens.

I use also PSP custom firmware (CWF PRO 6.61 iirc for my needs) and one NDS flashcart (Supercard Ds Two) for my backup copies; my only rule is to never pirate anything anymore for now 6 years, without regret or temptation.

Oh by the way of emulators; ScummVM is great too!
Post edited June 25, 2016 by koima57
Elmofongo: Anyway I just wish Saturn Emulation is not such a pain.
This angers me so much. SEGA emulates Mega Drive on PC officially and has even ported a few Dreamcast games, but they never released an official Saturn emulator. Or even an arcade one, they had games so awesome on arcade.

As for GameCube, I think it's awesome that Dolphin is getting better and better, but I must admit that Nintendo Games rarely ever attract my interest.
Elmofongo: Anyway I just wish Saturn Emulation is not such a pain.
Falci: This angers me so much. SEGA emulates Mega Drive on PC officially and has even ported a few Dreamcast games, but they never released an official Saturn emulator. Or even an arcade one, they had games so awesome on arcade.

As for GameCube, I think it's awesome that Dolphin is getting better and better, but I must admit that Nintendo Games rarely ever attract my interest.
You should check out the world of Virtual Reality these days. New Retro Arcade VR is going to be the bomb.
koima57: Yesss!! I have been waiting months for this to start my Resident Evil 4 playthrough; there was this bug with black squares. Still no way to play Silent Hill Shattered Memories decently with this new stable release but maybe the next... Dolphin is my favorite emulator of the 3 I use; PCSX2 and PPSSPP are the other ones.
How can you play RE4 on an emulator knowing that the game is available for all the other consoles?
I could understand if it was not and you did not have a choice where to play it, but it is not, so why play it on a emulator where you definitely will have some troubles running than play it on your PC for example beats me, and do not tell me you do not have the game because even if you did not, it is really cheap to get it.
koima57: Yesss!! I have been waiting months for this to start my Resident Evil 4 playthrough; there was this bug with black squares. Still no way to play Silent Hill Shattered Memories decently with this new stable release but maybe the next... Dolphin is my favorite emulator of the 3 I use; PCSX2 and PPSSPP are the other ones.
Elisebathe: How can you play RE4 on an emulator knowing that the game is available for all the other consoles?
I could understand if it was not and you did not have a choice where to play it, but it is not, so why play it on a emulator where you definitely will have some troubles running than play it on your PC for example beats me, and do not tell me you do not have the game because even if you did not, it is really cheap to get it.
I have the RE4 game for my Wii and the PC HD version. Some months ago I purchased a wonderful bluetooth by USB "Dolphinbar" peripheral to use my official Wiimote with this emulator; I want to play it with the Wiimote, is the reason i have been waiting Dolphin fixes. Before the black squares bug of this game at every kick and dust effects got me waiting for a new stable release for my sitting, I really liked the first minutes to the village introduction playing with the Wiimote, moving, aiming... It is an experience no m & k, or gamepad can offer! Though It runs at 30 fps instead of 60 and the PC HD has better textures but i chose this setup for my long planned, first RE4 time. =)
Post edited June 25, 2016 by koima57
Falci: This angers me so much. SEGA emulates Mega Drive on PC officially and has even ported a few Dreamcast games, but they never released an official Saturn emulator. Or even an arcade one, they had games so awesome on arcade.

As for GameCube, I think it's awesome that Dolphin is getting better and better, but I must admit that Nintendo Games rarely ever attract my interest.
JDelekto: You should check out the world of Virtual Reality these days. New Retro Arcade VR is going to be the bomb.
Can you emulate the Virtual Boy on modern VR machines?
JDelekto: You should check out the world of Virtual Reality these days. New Retro Arcade VR is going to be the bomb.
dtgreene: Can you emulate the Virtual Boy on modern VR machines?
not sure, never tried.