nightcraw1er.488: Does purchasing the Witcher 3 on GOG unlock it on EGS or steam?
Leroux: Buying TW3 on Humble Store gives you a GOG key, so it's a valid question.
Didn’t think humble provided any gog keys, in fact nowadays they are nothing more than a steam key seller.
nightcraw1er.488: Does purchasing the Witcher 3 on GOG unlock it on EGS or steam?
usePowerToolz: CD Project Red and GOG are sister companies and they have historically allowed for copies of Witcher games to be able to be activated here on GOG, even when bought elsewhere. For example, I purchased the original DVD version of Witcher 1, which I later activated here on GOG. I purchased Witcher 2 on Steam, which I activated here on GOG as well.
Insofar as it is a Witcher game and given the relationship between GOG and CD Project Red, I think it's a particularly valid question to ask.
Yes, but purchasing the full hard copy, all the money goes to cd project, so they can authorise their sub company to allow you download a copy. If you buy it through epic, a chunk of that money goes to epic (I assume it’s crippled by some drm, installer requirement, client ties, or need to do some special things), so essentially they would be worse off, and why would they want to give you a nice shiny installer wrapped version?
Also, not so much targeted at you, just seen quite a few of these types of threads recently which indicate that gog is being looked on as free ware by other store users.