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high rated
CharlesGrey: They do technically have holes, so one could try. They're a bit on the tiny side, but I hear some guys like 'em tight.
awalterj: Interestingly, there's a bowling team called Triple Penetration:
The would require three men sticking their penises into the same object. That rarely ends well. Perhaps a bowling tournament trophy, if you're lucky.
awalterj: Interestingly, there's a bowling team called Triple Penetration:
Emob78: The would require three men sticking their penises into the same object. That rarely ends well. Perhaps a bowling tournament trophy, if you're lucky.
They do it all the time in pornos.
high rated
Emob78: The would require three men sticking their penises into the same object. That rarely ends well. Perhaps a bowling tournament trophy, if you're lucky.
tinyE: They do it all the time in pornos.
Yes, but do they win bowling tournaments at the end?
tinyE: They do it all the time in pornos.
Emob78: Yes, but do they win bowling tournaments at the end?
How would I know? I never hang around to see the end of a porno.
high rated
Emob78: Yes, but do they win bowling tournaments at the end?
tinyE: How would I know? I never hang around to see the end of a porno.
I will never watch the Big Lebowski the same way again.

The Big Lebowski - Nobody F's With Jesus
yogsloth: What a horrifyingly grey and flavorless world you continue to impose upon yourself. I actively feel bad for you.


Q: What's the difference between a bowling ball and a dead baby?

A: You can't fuck a bowling ball!

(Told to me by a hot girl once. I fell in love instantly.)
What is red, loud and keeps getting smaller and smaller?

A baby being combed with a potato peeler.
yogsloth: What a horrifyingly grey and flavorless world you continue to impose upon yourself. I actively feel bad for you.


Q: What's the difference between a bowling ball and a dead baby?

A: You can't fuck a bowling ball!

(Told to me by a hot girl once. I fell in love instantly.)
javihyuga: What is red, loud and keeps getting smaller and smaller?

A baby being combed with a potato peeler.
What's black white and red all over?

A dead nun rolling down a hill.
oh ho ho, dead baby jokes eh? :P

Whats the difference between a sack of dead babies and a Ferrari?

I don't have a Ferrari in my garage.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by coryrj1995
For anyone thinking of getting married - they should educate themselves a bit first on what they're getting in to.

For example, this short 1 minute <i>educational video</i> should be required viewing..
I remember I night I spent in Limerick (Ireland), exchanging my Basque ETA jokes with a local's IRA jokes. Fun night all around. Learned a few foreign terrorism jokes, too.

Why is the tower of Pisa leaning?
Because it had better reflexes than the world trade center.
high rated
Martek: For anyone thinking of getting married - they should educate themselves a bit first on what they're getting in to.

For example, this short 1 minute <i>educational video</i> should be required viewing..
Here's a short survival guide everyone should know:
What is green and turns red when you push the button?
A frog in a blender!!!

Now, will it blend?
Maxvorstadt: What is green and turns red when you push the button?
A frog in a blender!!!

Now, will it blend?
I did what you said, however it doesn't seem to matter what button I press...
Joke works fine,but some people are a bit thick.
Maxvorstadt: A frog in a blender!!!

Now, will it blend?
They never tried that at 'Will it blend' ... you should write to them!

Now one joke about marriage, that only works with the German word for marriage (Ehe):

Do you know what Ehe stands for?
Yes. Errare humanum est!