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Now you are being silly tort.

I can't possibly lose something I never had.
Rottencorpsex: Not in islamic countries.

When you tie you life with a woman, you'll have to apologize for nothing often, cuz she said so.
TStael: "Misrepresentation, Rottencopsex"...
"But Rottencropsex"...
You know, I have observed that you are quite intrigued with the word SEX, I don't know if that is to be a pun, but his name means Rotten CorpseX or Rotten Corps Ex, I don't know what is it with you and that, maybe too much Siegmund Freud?
high rated
dtgreene: I disagree. I consider it immoral to joke at the expense of others, and as a result, I consider such jokes to be in poor taste and hence bad.
What a horrifyingly grey and flavorless world you continue to impose upon yourself. I actively feel bad for you.


Q: What's the difference between a bowling ball and a dead baby?

A: You can't fuck a bowling ball!

(Told to me by a hot girl once. I fell in love instantly.)
high rated
dtgreene: Here's the thing: It is fine to joke around, but it is not ok to joke at the expense of others.

Also, as has been pointed out, the joke doesn't really work in the first place.

The best way to use stereotypes in a joke is to subvert them (for example, making a smart blonde joke).
Emob78: Actually the exact opposite is true. The best jokes of all are at the expense of others.
Dark humor tends to make me laugh much more than any other type of humor.

What's the difference between John Wayne and Jack Daniels?
Jack Daniels is still killing Indians.

What's the similarities between princess Diana and Pink Floyd?
The wall was their last big hit

A sadist, a masochist, a murderer, a necrophile,
a zoophile and a pyromaniac are all sitting on
a bench in a mental institution.
"Let's have sex with a cat?" asked the zoophile.
"Let's have sex with the cat and then torture
it," says the sadist.
"Let's have sex with the cat, torture it and
then kill it," shouted the murderer.
"Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it
and then have sex with it again," said the necrophile.
"Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it,
have sex with it again and then burn it," said
the pyromaniac.
There was silence, and then the masochist
said: "Meow."

Two aborted fetuses are sitting in a dumpster. One turns to the other and says "Hey, did you know it says gullible on the bottom of this dumpster?" The second one rolls its eyes and replies "Oh come on, I wasn't born yesterday!"

How do you turn a fruit into a vegetable?

Whats the difference between the Jews and Santa Claus?
Santa goes down the chimney

yogsloth: Q: What's the difference between a bowling ball and a dead baby?

A: You can't fuck a bowling ball!

(Told to me by a hot girl once. I fell in love instantly.)
Must have stayed inside for weeks after that :v
high rated
Superman was flying over metropolis one day when he spotted Wonder Woman, down in the park, lying down partially under a hedge, seemingly writhing in ecstasy. He was sorely tempted and the temptation got the better of him. Using his super powers, he flew down, had quick intercourse and flew off again hoping to have been unseen.

Wonder Woman sat up and asked "What was that??!!",

The Invisible Man replied, "I don't know, but it tore my a** up!"
Top fucking KEK
yogsloth: Q: What's the difference between a bowling ball and a dead baby?

A: You can't fuck a bowling ball!

(Told to me by a hot girl once. I fell in love instantly.)
GioVio123: Must have stayed inside for weeks after that :v
Alas, it wasn't my hot girl. Le sigh.
Emob78: So a retard and a fag walk into a bar...
And barman says "Get out dtgreene!"

What's the worst thing about being a black jew?

Having to sit in the back of the oven.

yogsloth: (Told to me by a hot girl once. I fell in love instantly.)
Reminds me of a love song

TStael: Now, now...

You must know that my spin of the OP joke is at par, but only morally different: I reject the rape as means of forcing an enduring cohabitation. And yuup, I will not say marriage.
No no no no. You came in here in a thread about jokes spouting your complete nonsense about rape when nobody even mentioned anything close to it, so if you want to indulge your rape fantasies please do so in another thread, unless they're also funny.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by WBGhiro
low rated
TStael: "Misrepresentation, Rottencopsex"...
"But Rottencropsex"...
GioVio123: You know, I have observed that you are quite intrigued with the word SEX, I don't know if that is to be a pun, but his name means Rotten CorpseX or Rotten Corps Ex, I don't know what is it with you and that, maybe too much Siegmund Freud?
I'd pity u, but u are too cute.

I twirl about a finger, and I am told it is not that street cred to do so.

But still I twirl.

And think wrong is easily wrong - but to put down someone else because they could be just, is rather evil.
WBGhiro: Reminds me of a love song
You know, back in the day, Bonnie and Clyde were turning on everyone else but themselves. Now that's a symbiotic relationship.
Gerin: Son said to father: "Dad, I want to get married."
Dad replied: "First, tell me you're sorry."
Son: "For what?"
Dad: "Just say you're sorry."
Son: "But why? I haven't done anything wrong."
Son: "Ok, I'm sorry."
Dad smiles: "Now you're ready to get married."
IT works for me and a good one indeed. Dad is smart to make his son get prepared for moody girls.
TStael: I twirl about a finger, and I am told it is not that street cred to do so.

But still I twirl.
Time spend with cats is never wasted.
yogsloth: A: You can't fuck a bowling ball!
They do technically have holes, so one could try. They're a bit on the tiny side, but I hear some guys like 'em tight.
yogsloth: A: You can't fuck a bowling ball!
CharlesGrey: They do technically have holes, so one could try. They're a bit on the tiny side, but I hear some guys like 'em tight.
Interestingly, there's a bowling team called Triple Penetration: