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TStael: snip
If you're trying to troll me - don't. I won't argue with you.
mike_cesara: What joke?
high rated
Dis guy. Every thread, every time. Same thing.

Need knock on door from potato man.
tinyE: Why do most husbands die before their wives?

They want to.
TinyE with another classic :o)
WBGhiro: I think latvian potato jokes work in all cultures:

One day, hear knock on door.

Man ask “Who is?”

“Is potato man, I come around to give free potato”

Man is very excite and opens door.

Is not potato man, is secret police.
I like this joke better. :D
Hallway Sex: When husband bumps into his wife on the way through the hall and they both yell "F**k you!"
low rated
Here's the thing: It is fine to joke around, but it is not ok to joke at the expense of others.

Also, as has been pointed out, the joke doesn't really work in the first place.

The best way to use stereotypes in a joke is to subvert them (for example, making a smart blonde joke).
low rated
This joke only works in America because most American men are spineless wimps and also the "Yes Dear, Okay Dear" type.

Outside of America, especially in middle east, men have spine and don't put women on a pedestal.

So no this joke will not work in all cultures.
^ Now there is a joke that doesn't work in any culture.

Not the post, the poster. :D
low rated
Now, now...

You must know that my spin of the OP joke is at par, but only morally different: I reject the rape as means of forcing an enduring cohabitation. And yuup, I will not say marriage.

So what is supposed to be humorous or playful about the above?
high rated
dtgreene: Here's the thing: It is fine to joke around, but it is not ok to joke at the expense of others.

Also, as has been pointed out, the joke doesn't really work in the first place.

The best way to use stereotypes in a joke is to subvert them (for example, making a smart blonde joke).
Actually the exact opposite is true. The best jokes of all are at the expense of others.
low rated
dtgreene: Here's the thing: It is fine to joke around, but it is not ok to joke at the expense of others.

Also, as has been pointed out, the joke doesn't really work in the first place.

The best way to use stereotypes in a joke is to subvert them (for example, making a smart blonde joke).
Emob78: Actually the exact opposite is true. The best jokes of all are at the expense of others.
I disagree. I consider it immoral to joke at the expense of others, and as a result, I consider such jokes to be in poor taste and hence bad.
dtgreene: ...
Formats exists
low rated
tinyE: ^ Now there is a joke that doesn't work in any culture.

Not the post, the poster. :D
tinyE losing his mind over someone revealing the ending to a crap movie is a joke too in the thread below-
high rated
Emob78: Actually the exact opposite is true. The best jokes of all are at the expense of others.
dtgreene: I disagree. I consider it immoral to joke at the expense of others, and as a result, I consider such jokes to be in poor taste and hence bad.
So a retard and a fag walk into a bar...