botan9386: I know all email services are technically "encrypted" but you know what I mean, the privacy-centric email services like Protonmail and Tutanota
I don't like the fact my current emails have a lot of identifying information.
Email is always unencrypted, it was not designed for private communication.
What you can encrypt is the text of the message itself and the subject string. But meta-data (
a lot of identifying information ) will remain plain-text.
To use that kind of encryption you should exchange public keys with each of your contacts. Actually, it is a lot of hassle. If person or organization does not use email encryption ( the vast majority don't ), your communication will be unencrypted.
What Protonmail and Tutanota provide, is an encrypted messenger on top of their email service. To use this messenger, both parties should have an account on their respective service. If you communicate with another email provider ( even between Protonmail and Tutanota ), the message will be sent as a plain-text.
Therefore, if you want a really private communication, you should choose end-to-end encrypted messenger
instead of email.
If you simply want to reduce an amount of your data, leaking from general-purpose email:
1. Choose an email provider, which you can trust ( avoid corporations and ISPs ) Read their privacy policy with attention.
2. Use standard imap / smtp client instead of web-interface or provider's app.
3. Delete messages from server after reading. Store copies of important messages offline.
botan9386: Has anyone here fully moved over to a service like that and has it hindered anything at all? Like applying for things.
&botan9386: certain websites refusing to send emails to proton/tuta services
I've fully moved to email service, provided by a small local company. I don't have problems with any websites.