Dunno, not really a thing here. At least I've never seen kids going around before (neither where I lived before nor here).
BreOl72: but at the same time neglect our own traditions. (
Swedrami: As a former full-time Dorfkartoffel I can assure you that Walpurgis (that's the night of 30th April transitioning into 1st May for those not in the know) is still celebrated, at least in the rural Hinterland-parts of Germany.
Complete with a huge bonfire where a life-size straw puppet dressed up as the Winterhexe ("Witch of Winter") is burned to drive away the remaining spirits of winter. And the prior erection of a Maibaum (or "Maypole", a pole of 10-20 meters length) which is watched all night long for not getting sawed down and taken away by the neighbouring villages' youth.
Sounds pretty fun. Also, being a Dorfkartoffel is awesome. Used to be one myself and would always want to be one again...if not for the availability of jobs and decent internet.
toxicTom: The local tradition called "Flenndippeln" (Going with a little crying pot) went as follows:
Interesting. I didn't live too far away from that area but I've never heard of it. We did "Zampern" in ~February though, going from house to house (and stopping cars, people), dressed up and playing music to get sweets, money, alcohol etc. I also did "Laternelaufen" once when I was in Kindergarten. Never seen it again after that, not sure it's even a thing anymore.