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low rated
Themken: It is a shop, just like Tesco. When all works well you do not give it another thought but when things are not to satisfaction...
RawSteelUT: Not a troll question.

It seems that every single time anything happens here, at all, 50,000 threads of doom and gloom show up on this forum. While it's certainly gone up to 11 with the whole Russia/Belarus thing, it seems that nearly everything that happens here is hate. Not thoughtful criticism, not trying to make things better. Pure, unadulterated venom. Hell, people kept complaining after GoG took down the Hitman game that shouldn't have been on here in the first place. It's a wonder GoG listens to us at all. Lord knows I have trouble holding willing myself to come here sometimes. You'd think a DRM-Free store with the single most lenient refund policy for a shop of its type would have people giving SOME benefit of the doubt.

Not that GoG is perfect, mind. Only one example of perfection has ever existed upon the earth, and He died on the cross for us. However, there just seems to be constant doom and gloom on this site, and it makes it really hard to sort out the thoughtful debate from the boycott threads and Putin sympathizers.

So, I ask again; does anyone actually LIKE GoG? Like, not begrudgingly?
I try not to confuse enjoying a product or service provided by a corporation with the same respect, admiration, or love I would have / share with a person. I respect GOG for the service it has provided -- DRM-free games -- these many years, but does that mean I overlook issues (as I see them) with the corporation? No. Blind loyalty is just that.

I think it may be that you are seeing criticisms of GOG through a prism that's a bit off IMO... and while some may be purely mean-spirited or wanting GOG to fail... most people here and posting are here because they want GOG to succeed, but are worried that they are seeing GOG make mistakes (some BIG). Rarely do communities become "toxic" (to some) without reason.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by kai2
low rated
Dogmaus: This one thousand times. A forum in which it's ok to say that black people or trans people existing is political propaganda, most people would feel unsafe here. This clima is the harvest of years of bad moderation.
That's libelous towards gog.

David9855: I didn't see any of this on the forums not people with hate symbols on their avatars..(...)
there is an alt-right flag avatar just below your post XD
Are you suggesting my avatar is that. I'll let you try and figure out what it is.
Dogmaus: there is an alt-right flag avatar just below your post XD
§pec†re: Are you suggesting my avatar is that.
I can't speak for others, of course, but...
Going by the fact that the user you quote is from Switzerland, and therefore his/her usage of the English language may not be as accurate as you are used to...I am willing to guess, that s/he was referring to the avatar four posts below your comment.
Love it, buy everything I can here. A decent client for newer games with lots of updates and DRM free backups for games once they're fully complete so there's less hassle running them in the future. Great stuff.

No store is flawless, but there's no better supporter of the DRM free principle.
low rated
RawSteelUT: OP
Well, I'll share my opinion to you RawSteelUT if you interact with this thread created of yours...

If not, I am affraid I will simply apply my brand new criteria:
Tag** this thread to the /dev/null
with all the bunch of doom&gloom/vent/rant/whining/negativity/attention-seekers etc.
-only- Wastes.

What is the goal of attending a forum, I ask?

Honestly tired of writing-to-a-wall**/halo-of-invisibility most of the times,

**deliberated puns!
low rated
I liked Gog once. But the moment Gog's leadership decided to get politically active, they lost me.

Gog is a video game retailer; NOT a political platform. If Gog can't knock off the political activism and just stick to selling video games, they simply won't get another cent out of me. I can always find better things to spend my money on.
While there are absolutely legitimate issues that need to be addressed, the drama gets a bit old. I decided to largely ignore the negative threads (even if I may agree with some of them) and just focus on playing DRM-free games and interacting with my fellow fans of DRM-free.

So yeah, in spite of their flaws, I love GOG.
low rated
Telika: I loathe GOG and its community for many reasons, first of all how implicitly supportive it was of the alt-right when the GOG forums became its meeting place, to ramble about foreigners, migrants, lgbti, women, during the cultural waves of gamergate, trumpism, etc. Accepting white supremacist flags as avatars for openly neonazi customers all while censoring "political" reactions to them what the last straw. I didn't "boycot" GOG, as in posting in that thread and thinking I'm "pressuring" GOG to do this or be that. I just left, and haven't bought anything here for years, because I hate this complicity or greedy irresponsibility more much than I hate DRM (videogaming inconvenience versus real world suffering, real lives destructions).

GOG's stance towards Ukraine raises my esteem a notch. I know that the restrictions on Russia are very unsatisfactory, and do collateral "damage" (it also harms anti-war people, it even harms other countries), but these effects don't compare with what is at stake. Economic restrictions are not the carpet bombing that Russia inflicts on Ukraine. Especially if we're taking about access to a videogame shop (oh noes).

And I appreciate GOG's stance all the more given how infested the community is or was with Putin fans, breastfed at its farm trolls, and echoing all his straightforward fascist rhetorics of virilism, nationalism, culturalism and violence - values which implications and consequences are visible now just as they've been in the 1940s. I don't expect Putin admirers to choke on their shame as they should, I don't even expect them to shut up or to stop voting for their local putin's-next-best-thing. But that GOG officially positions itself against their idol, while being "too late" at least isn't "too little". My years on this community has taught me what kind of political leaders or discourses gamers tend to side with (spoiler: it's the kind that make the world look like a videogame), so I appreciate the potential cost that GOG is facing.

It doesn't make me "like" GOG (I don't forget the years of extreme-right safe heaven provided on these boards, nor what such things have cost to democracies, and, on a more futile level, I don't appreciate GOG as a shop building its identity on consumer values with fast moving goalposts - the technical obligation to use their "optional" client makes them a joke), but I'm still back to considering buying GOG games after a long while of it being right out of the question.
You just described everything I love about the forums. I'm HAPPY this website isn't a Far-Left dumpster fire like...well, everything else nowadays. Not happy with the community?, there are plenty of other places where you can interact with people of 'your' kind.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by HerooftheNexus2021
low rated
HerooftheNexus2021: You just described everything I love about the forums. I'm HAPPY this website isn't a Far-Left dumpster fire like...well, everything else nowadays. Not happy with the community?, there are plenty of other places where you can interact with people of 'your' kind.
GreasyDogMeat: How is this place NOT a far left dumpster fire? You'll get banned if you disagree with far left talking points.
I haven't frequented this place for a while, but I believe it's at least a hair better than other gaming forums. I don't see many users here parroting pro-sodomy and pro-gender dysphoria talking points, among other things. But maybe I'm just lucky.

Perhaps I'll be banned by GOG staff tomorrow for upsetting the established global order.
low rated
.......Redacted on my part
Post edited March 07, 2022 by BanditKeith2
I was only boycotting gog during hitman drm sales and for that I also had to empty my wishlist.
I always liked gog and I continue to like it. I just don't want drm here.
If they continue to release drm free games I will continue to buy games here and support gog even if they are not perfect (they were in the beginning but I'll take some limitations compared to the original gog if they don't use drm).

I'm still not 100% sure that I will continue to like gog since cyberpunk got drm dlc and gwent is still here on gog. But right now I don't really see any reason to boycot gog.

About the russian thing it is not just gog, everybody is trying to isolate the russian economy because it is the only way to avoid a WW3 war, so I'm supporting their temporary soft ban (only for buying new games, that's really soft compared to most companies).

PS. About the forum community since some of the message are about that. I think the original one was really nice, I'm glad I was able to enjoy it while it lasted. Right now in the community there are still a lot of people like that but like in every community large enough with almost no moderator there are also a lot of people that don't belong to any community like racists, fascists, nazis, putin fans, homophobes and other violent people that are a poison for every good community. I will not give a definition of right or left politics here, since they are mostly extremists on both sides (right now they are mostly on alt-right wing (at least if I understand how you call extremists right wing politics)), I'm on the center left side but I know most people on center right side are decent people that just think market economy must have less interference from the state (I think there must be a welfare state at least for health and other basics thing even at the cost of rising taxes), they are not against gay or pro putin. But most of all, most center-right and center-left wing people love freedom and democracy and here I see far too many people that love dictator like putin.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by LiefLayer
EDIT: OK, seems like there was a coding error in there. My mistake.

Sorry I've not been on much. Been busy lately, and been playing lots of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 on my off time, which I wholeheartedly recommend. Hella fun game.

It's good to see a lot of people being thoughtful about the topic. That's always a good point. I've noticed a lot of people accusing me of seeing all criticism as "toxic," and I'm not sure I agree with that. The issue I often find is the sheer aggressive anger in a lot of it. There are certain things that require a forceful response, namely the Hitman nonsense, It's just that there are people (and yes, many have helpfully pointed out that it's a VERY vocal minority, and I'm well aware) who seem incapable of having a mature, thoughtful discussion of not only issues that may affect GoG, but indeed anything in general.

I'd go through a whole bunch of posts, but I think this really encapsulates a lot of what I've been seeing.

PS. About the forum community since some of the message are about that. I think the original one was really nice, I'm glad I was able to enjoy it while it lasted. Right now in the community there are still a lot of people like that but like in every community large enough with almost no moderator there are also a lot of people that don't belong to any community like racists, fascists, nazis, putin fans, homophobes and other violent people that are a poison for every good community. I will not give a definition of right or left politics here, since they are mostly extremists on both sides (right now they are mostly on alt-right wing (at least if I understand how you call extremists right wing politics)), I'm on the center left side but I know most people on center right side are decent people that just think market economy must have less interference from the state (I think there must be a welfare state at least for health and other basics thing even at the cost of rising taxes), they are not against gay or pro putin. But most of all, most center-right and center-left wing people love freedom and democracy and here I see far too many people that love dictator like putin.
I'm glad you made the point about not putting a "political spectrum" label to the current group of crazies that hijack threads (including this one, seems like), and you're ABSOLUTELY right. Center-right and center-left people both have a love of their countries that shouldn't be discarded because they view markets differently, and we shouldn't be lumping them with the most insane elements available.

Unfortunately, the insanely hateful seem to have a passion that good folk lack. Then again, I've been busy living life and playing Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, so maybe that says something about me as well.

I'm still not 100% sure that I will continue to like gog since cyberpunk got drm dlc and gwent is still here on gog. But right now I don't really see any reason to boycot gog.
Honestly, I think it's a matter of degrees when it comes to transgressions. Considering the Cyberpunk galaxy goodies are very superficial (who the hell wants to wear a Galaxy-themed T-shirt anyway), and Gwent is a free-to-play game (and something that hasn't done well, if its apparent burial is one thing), it doesn't bring the sort of rage that's to the level of the Hitman release. Not that they shouldn't be looked at askew (they clearly should), but considering all the content that comes here with no DRM, including Cyberpunk itself, I'm willing to tolerate a few mistakes here and there. After all, I've had over 500 happy purchases here, no reason I should judge by an ill-conceived free-to-play and some tacky AF cosmetics.

And that, I feel, is my chief issue. Discussion, even critical discussion, can be had without making absolutely everything a hill to die on, and even on those hills, it costs nothing to be polite.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by RawSteelUT
low rated
Dogmaus: This one thousand times. A forum in which it's ok to say that black people or trans people existing is political propaganda, most people would feel unsafe here. This clima is the harvest of years of bad moderation.
§pec†re: That's libelous towards gog.

there is an alt-right flag avatar just below your post XD
§pec†re: Are you suggesting my avatar is that. I'll let you try and figure out what it is.
lol not yours, the literal alt-right one (Infowars)
anyway, anyone can read the anti black lives matter, pro war and transphobic posts in this thread. I don't feel among friends. But sure, I like GOG and I'd jump for joy if Dead Space 2 or Alice in Madness were available.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by Dogmaus
I don't think the forums are a good place to gauge what people like. It's not really a good place to even gauge what gog users like. It seems the gog forums are an intense concentration of some intensely fringe individuals that are not really representative of anything.

What WOULD be cool to get back from about 5-10 years ago is the gog community from back then.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by babark
low rated
babark: I don't think the forums are a good place to gauge what people like. It's not really a good place to gauge what gog users like. It seems the gog forums are an intense concentration of some intensely fringe individuals that are not really representative of anything.

What WOULD be cool to get back from about 5-10 years ago is the gog community from back then.
my impression is that the GOG Reddit is much less drama