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I loathe GOG and its community for many reasons, first of all how implicitly supportive it was of the alt-right when the GOG forums became its meeting place, to ramble about foreigners, migrants, lgbti, women, during the cultural waves of gamergate, trumpism, etc. Accepting white supremacist flags as avatars for openly neonazi customers all while censoring "political" reactions to them what the last straw. I didn't "boycot" GOG, as in posting in that thread and thinking I'm "pressuring" GOG to do this or be that. I just left, and haven't bought anything here for years, because I hate this complicity or greedy irresponsibility more much than I hate DRM (videogaming inconvenience versus real world suffering, real lives destructions).

GOG's stance towards Ukraine raises my esteem a notch. I know that the restrictions on Russia are very unsatisfactory, and do collateral "damage" (it also harms anti-war people, it even harms other countries), but these effects don't compare with what is at stake. Economic restrictions are not the carpet bombing that Russia inflicts on Ukraine. Especially if we're taking about access to a videogame shop (oh noes).

And I appreciate GOG's stance all the more given how infested the community is or was with Putin fans, breastfed at its farm trolls, and echoing all his straightforward fascist rhetorics of virilism, nationalism, culturalism and violence - values which implications and consequences are visible now just as they've been in the 1940s. I don't expect Putin admirers to choke on their shame as they should, I don't even expect them to shut up or to stop voting for their local putin's-next-best-thing. But that GOG officially positions itself against their idol, while being "too late" at least isn't "too little". My years on this community has taught me what kind of political leaders or discourses gamers tend to side with (spoiler: it's the kind that make the world look like a videogame), so I appreciate the potential cost that GOG is facing.

It doesn't make me "like" GOG (I don't forget the years of extreme-right safe heaven provided on these boards, nor what such things have cost to democracies, and, on a more futile level, I don't appreciate GOG as a shop building its identity on consumer values with fast moving goalposts - the technical obligation to use their "optional" client makes them a joke), but I'm still back to considering buying GOG games after a long while of it being right out of the question.
low rated
I did like GoG, before CDP decide to suspend the publishing of Taiwan horror game - Devotion.
And they just said they have to listen some *gamer's voice*, although we all know there's no gamer's voice there,
they just vowed for CCP.

It seems that CDP loves CCP but not CCCP, so they decide to stop sale games to former CCCP countries like Russia and Belarus; Because there is no *gamers* at these countries.
You can't really gauge much most of the time by what you see posted in the forum. Most customers don't seem to bother with the forum, and some are very wary of airing their views because of the downvote abuse impact.

Personally there are aspects of GOG I like and some I dislike, but overall I am glad they exist and I like them in principle and for the good support I have received on occasion.

I also like that compared to most other forums on the web, they are not heavy handed with the moderation here. In fact it amazes me sometimes what they tolerate, but I like that sort of robustness, if not some of the resulting crap that gets posted because of it.
low rated
There are a lot of bad things about gog but it is still the best gaming platform.

Unfortunately there is a small group of toxic users who are looking to boycott it and the platform disappears.

The funny thing is that they then praise steam, a pro drm platform.

Those users should be banned and not Russian users
low rated
RawSteelUT: Not a troll question.

It seems that every single time anything happens here, at all, 50,000 threads of doom and gloom show up on this forum. While it's certainly gone up to 11 with the whole Russia/Belarus thing, it seems that nearly everything that happens here is hate. Not thoughtful criticism, not trying to make things better. Pure, unadulterated venom. Hell, people kept complaining after GoG took down the Hitman game that shouldn't have been on here in the first place. It's a wonder GoG listens to us at all. Lord knows I have trouble holding willing myself to come here sometimes. You'd think a DRM-Free store with the single most lenient refund policy for a shop of its type would have people giving SOME benefit of the doubt.

Not that GoG is perfect, mind. Only one example of perfection has ever existed upon the earth, and He died on the cross for us. However, there just seems to be constant doom and gloom on this site, and it makes it really hard to sort out the thoughtful debate from the boycott threads and Putin sympathizers.

So, I ask again; does anyone actually LIKE GoG? Like, not begrudgingly?
I did like them. I assume most others did too. That's why they're so bitter with everything GOG does that is a colossal mistake, be it accepting DRM games into the store, allowing DRM options in games, going away from all of their core principals like "one world, one price", etc, or taking definite sides in a political altercation where their position actively harms people who did nothing wrong, and then hypocritically stifling discussion about it on the thread where they announced it. I liked GOG, and then their decisions to destroy what I liked made me bitter towards them. They're still the best source for DRM-free games, but I absolutely loathe almost everything about them outside of that because of their MASSIVE shift in paradigm to become nothing. They were champions of DRM-free and consumer rights. Now DRM-Free is something they cling to because it would destroy their userbase (and their profits) to drop it. SO I'll continue buying my DRM-Free games here, but I won't act like I enjoy the total sock puppet this company has become.
low rated
Telika: I loathe GOG and its community for many reasons, first of all how implicitly supportive it was of the alt-right when the GOG forums became its meeting place, to ramble about foreigners, migrants, lgbti, women, during the cultural waves of gamergate, trumpism, etc. Accepting white supremacist flags as avatars for openly neonazi customers all while censoring "political" reactions to them what the last straw. I didn't "boycot" GOG, as in posting in that thread and thinking I'm "pressuring" GOG to do this or be that. I just left, and haven't bought anything here for years, because I hate this complicity or greedy irresponsibility more much than I hate DRM (videogaming inconvenience versus real world suffering, real lives destructions).

GOG's stance towards Ukraine raises my esteem a notch. I know that the restrictions on Russia are very unsatisfactory, and do collateral "damage" (it also harms anti-war people, it even harms other countries), but these effects don't compare with what is at stake. Economic restrictions are not the carpet bombing that Russia inflicts on Ukraine. Especially if we're taking about access to a videogame shop (oh noes).

And I appreciate GOG's stance all the more given how infested the community is or was with Putin fans, breastfed at its farm trolls, and echoing all his straightforward fascist rhetorics of virilism, nationalism, culturalism and violence - values which implications and consequences are visible now just as they've been in the 1940s. I don't expect Putin admirers to choke on their shame as they should, I don't even expect them to shut up or to stop voting for their local putin's-next-best-thing. But that GOG officially positions itself against their idol, while being "too late" at least isn't "too little". My years on this community has taught me what kind of political leaders or discourses gamers tend to side with (spoiler: it's the kind that make the world look like a videogame), so I appreciate the potential cost that GOG is facing.

It doesn't make me "like" GOG (I don't forget the years of extreme-right safe heaven provided on these boards, nor what such things have cost to democracies, and, on a more futile level, I don't appreciate GOG as a shop building its identity on consumer values with fast moving goalposts - the technical obligation to use their "optional" client makes them a joke), but I'm still back to considering buying GOG games after a long while of it being right out of the question.
I didn't see any of this on the forums not people with hate symbols on their avatars...although there is one member who has an imperial Japanese flag, I do remember an anti transgender tweet and the guy that did it got fired for it.

I'm sick of the casual accepted racism against Australians on here...hurr durr their Australian so that's ok....STFU!
Post edited March 06, 2022 by David9855
low rated
Dogmaus: Now that all major storefronts have suspended sales to Russian accounts
I don't think they will receive the same hatred as we have seen here.
Yes. Blizztard's done far worse against their customers. They should be scooped up and air dropped onto the front lines in their underpants.
I used to really like GOG, then they started pushing Galaxy and Linux support started going downhill. And then Devotion debacle happened.

Now that GOG has taken a stance against Russia, I have started thinking that maybe GOG still has a soul after all. I have a tiny bit of hope that maybe GOG are still good deep inside, and are not driven by greed alone.
Cavalary: discarding their second clear, stated principle, one-world-one-price
To expand in, inter alia, Russia. I'm not sure whether there's a moral in that, but there may be some irony.
Of course I like GOG.

If I didn't like GOG I would stop shopping here and stop posting here (which would coincidentally happen at the same time). I have been a purchaser of games since 1995 and so I won't stop purchasing games even if GOG goes away.

I like GOG's system and so I post if I don't like how things are turning out because I want the DRM-free platform-agnostic(ish) policy to stay.

I think GOG have done a fantastic job up until now in terms of DRM-free and accessibility in terms of continuing the essence of the meaning of "you own the media you own the game" which is what we all thought in the 90's/00's despite the legalese and the viral DRM.

If you think other companies have (had) the same resolve and the same opportunity to gain a huge market share considering games here are mostly DRM-free then sure feel free to run down GOG and support the stronger rival companies.

I don't think they exist, so I will continue to support GOG as long as they don't sell out completely. I still buy some games from Steam but I prefer DRM-free and downloadable installers so I have a preference for here and will pay a slight premium perhaps.
Do i like GoG... That's a difficult question.

I spent a few years here on the forums, became the only place i could really hang out at. And in my opinion the site was a lot better when i arrived several years ago compared to now.

I would say GoG was my favorite place to be all the time, both for conversation and debate, but also the games available and not fighting with the DRM. And I'd take place in almost every big sale and put $50-$100 and do trades.

Today? I'm not sure. Annoyances of having to change my browser, the layout, the inability to talk of certain topics, long term bugs that never get fixed. Let's just say I'm soured on GoG.

Of the four big sites i enjoy getting games or hanging out at, GoG has to be at the top, followed by Epic Games, Humble Bundle and finally Steam. Though i have much higher favorites i can't mention.
low rated
The only people that like gog are the people that like their propaganda, because that's what they've turned into, just following every other trend to avoid a negative headline.
low rated
paladin181: I did like them. I assume most others did too. That's why they're so bitter with everything GOG does that is a colossal mistake, be it accepting DRM games into the store, allowing DRM options in games, going away from all of their core principals like "one world, one price", etc, or taking definite sides in a political altercation where their position actively harms people who did nothing wrong, and then hypocritically stifling discussion about it on the thread where they announced it. I liked GOG, and then their decisions to destroy what I liked made me bitter towards them. They're still the best source for DRM-free games, but I absolutely loathe almost everything about them outside of that because of their MASSIVE shift in paradigm to become nothing. They were champions of DRM-free and consumer rights. Now DRM-Free is something they cling to because it would destroy their userbase (and their profits) to drop it. SO I'll continue buying my DRM-Free games here, but I won't act like I enjoy the total sock puppet this company has become.
Pretty much this. I don't hate GOG or anything, and I still buy most of my games here if I can, but I used to love them and feel profoundly disappointed by what's happened to them over the last few years.
RawSteelUT: Not a troll question.
Does anyone actually LIKE GoG?
Well I like them for what they are: a digital store where I can buy DRM-free games.
For me even THE only digital store where I buy DRM-free games (though I know, ofc. of other stores where this would be possible. It's just that I don't use those).

And I absolutely agree with you: it's no fun anymore to enter the forum, because of all the negativity here.

One would think, if those responsible for the negativity and hate, would use only half their energy to try and solve the issues they have with the world, offline,...who knows: some of the minor issues at last, might actually be resolved.

But of course: that would require those people to switch off their computers, lift their asses, and go out into that cruel world, that they hate (or rather fear?) so much.
So, it's never going to happen.

See: it's so much easier to "fight" for the peace in middle-east, the freedom of Tibet, voting rights for minorities, and against tyranny worldwide, etc., in a forum of a small games shop, than to actually do something.
low rated
Telika: I loathe GOG and its community for many reasons, first of all how implicitly supportive it was of the alt-right when the GOG forums became its meeting place,
Normal people dear,normal people who don't appreciate political activists attempting to silence a forum to support their horrible fraudulent causes or vermin presstitutes hiding behind them to benefit their corporate fascist aims against ordinary gamers including those that genuinely fall into disadvantaged groups.

Post edited March 06, 2022 by §pec†re