amrit9037: I used to buy CDs and DVDs but after 200+ discs and 3 DVD drives later I gaveup the idea of physical media.
Data on discs have life span of 10-15 years maximum.
One deep scratch and your disc goes to trash. It's no more cost effective.
I am thinking to buy some vinyl music discs but they costs even more!
PS: I will start buying CDs and DVDs again if Gog starts to sell them!
I remember when I bought my first CD in the 80s and they were being advertised as "lasting a life-time". How wrong they were.
I'm looking to find a home for my CD collection as I don't listen to them. I barely listen to mp3s these days and generally load YouTube playlists.
Gnostic: Sometimes, where some games are not sold anymore or lock by regional restriction.
However they are usually not updated to the latest version so I have to download the superior digital version from "certain places"
Then there are console exclusive where I have to buy the console CD when I had no console, then play the emulated version. I almost bought Grandia at a time and luckily GoG release it recently
Regional restrictions are easily circumvented without visiting "certain places". I like devs (can't remember the one off-hand) who say if our game is regionally restricted from your area, feel free to pirate it. That is sharing the love :)