Posted March 25, 2015

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden

I like big bots
Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted March 25, 2015

"Keep the violence virtual"

Jesus Christ. All I wanted to do was have some fun shooting zombie chainsaw monsters in Doom. I turn around and suddenly we're having to graduate MIT in tech AND Harvard in philosophy just to keep the hobby alive. I do NOT wish to have to think too deeply about anything that involves fast cars, machineguns, or naked motorcycle sluts from hell. Video games cover all of those quite well.
for me gaming is about enjoyment & escapism

./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France

Avg. Joe.
Registered: Oct 2013
From Ireland
Posted March 25, 2015
It's a game, so, no.
I just didn't get the thing about Spec Ops or the furore over airport mission in CoD
I just didn't get the thing about Spec Ops or the furore over airport mission in CoD

New User
Registered: May 2011
From Turkey
Posted March 25, 2015
Actually you are killing creatures in a parallel universe so yes it is a sin.

anomalous matter
Registered: Nov 2009
From Switzerland
Posted March 25, 2015
Interesting question. Personally I think no, it is not wrong, per se.
However, in games like Thief or Deus Ex: HR that gives me the opportunity to turn the pixels from "alive" to "unconscious" rather than "dead" then I will choose that because it seems to me to be right for my gaming.
OTOH, most other immersive games like FPSs, RPGs, etc. don't give you the decision to knock out or kill. Do I lose sleep? No.
However, in games like Thief or Deus Ex: HR that gives me the opportunity to turn the pixels from "alive" to "unconscious" rather than "dead" then I will choose that because it seems to me to be right for my gaming.
OTOH, most other immersive games like FPSs, RPGs, etc. don't give you the decision to knock out or kill. Do I lose sleep? No.

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted March 25, 2015
Not sure. Honestly i want to say no. If it's abstracted out so you don't know it's happening, then no. People play D&D where they take out hordes of orcs or monsters, but when it's just numbers and enemies aren't present anymore mechanically. In pokemon they changed the text to the pokemon 'fainting' rather than being killed.

Games Writer
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted March 25, 2015
Keep in mind a collection of pixels doesn't begin as a person by default like us, it has to earn its way closer to that status with good characterization and writing. I would never hurt Clementine, but I don’t feel bad about removing the ladder from my Sims swimming pool until they look like the bathtub hag from The Shining. The Sims only has as much character as I give them. It’s like crushing a can of refreshing coke (diet, because I’m watching my figure). Can you kill a coke? No. Nine years Syrio Forel was first sword to the Sealord of Braavos, he knows these things.
As to whether that’s morally wrong, well, as we’ve covered they’re not real, or self-aware. If we could give pixels actual feelings and simulate pain from a Star Trek holodeck, then maybe we’ll get into a moral quandary. As it is the closest we’ve come is David Cage yelling ‘EMOTIONS!’
As to whether that’s morally wrong, well, as we’ve covered they’re not real, or self-aware. If we could give pixels actual feelings and simulate pain from a Star Trek holodeck, then maybe we’ll get into a moral quandary. As it is the closest we’ve come is David Cage yelling ‘EMOTIONS!’

Pirate Mullah
Registered: Dec 2010
From Pakistan
Posted March 25, 2015
Simplest way to find out is find whoever is the moral authority within the game, and ask him.

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany

Old Gamer
Registered: Mar 2011
From Germany
Posted March 25, 2015
As much as I am a gamer, this is one of the the difficult questions.
In short: "It is wrong for you, if it feels wrong for you to kill that pixel/person"
It's a personal question, that only you can answer for yourself. And there is no way, that you can answer that question for another person.
In short: "It is wrong for you, if it feels wrong for you to kill that pixel/person"
It's a personal question, that only you can answer for yourself. And there is no way, that you can answer that question for another person.

Happy together
Registered: Sep 2013
From Germany
Posted March 25, 2015
That's surely sick, just like Hatred - well, actually even more than that. And while I would consider it problematic or outright evil (I don't like the term sinful, it's too religious to me), I think the problem lies not in the plain act of killing pixels (or just statistics in case of the simulator). There's a difference in that kind of killing and in, say, killing off billions in Plague Inc. It's not the numbers that count, it's the context.
Post edited March 25, 2015 by PalioDeMonte

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted March 25, 2015
Depends on the current laws and religions inside the game world. If it some post-apocalyptic setting where the strongest wins and people fight for life, it is not wrong to kill someone attacking you. Otherwise you'll face game over, and we can't have that.
The good thing is that the games usually penalize you automatically if they feel killing is wrong, or maybe make killing even impossible, like was it in Crazy Taxi and/or Midtown Madness where the pedestrians are always magically able to jump away from the front of your car, as if the game has given them superpowers to defeat death.
Carmageddon pedestrians aren't as lucky, but then killing them is even endorsed, so it is quite ok.
So I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. The worst that can happen is that you go the hell (in the game world, that is), but you can escape from there quite easily with your bazooka. You may have to kill the Cyberdemon first, though.
If all else fails, exit the game and all is forgiven. Amen.
The good thing is that the games usually penalize you automatically if they feel killing is wrong, or maybe make killing even impossible, like was it in Crazy Taxi and/or Midtown Madness where the pedestrians are always magically able to jump away from the front of your car, as if the game has given them superpowers to defeat death.
Carmageddon pedestrians aren't as lucky, but then killing them is even endorsed, so it is quite ok.
So I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. The worst that can happen is that you go the hell (in the game world, that is), but you can escape from there quite easily with your bazooka. You may have to kill the Cyberdemon first, though.
If all else fails, exit the game and all is forgiven. Amen.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted March 25, 2015
And you do so, by shooting at it, until it dies.

maskless bandit
Registered: Nov 2013
From Switzerland