Leroux: Absolutely not. The only physical part I'd prefer to the digital equivalent is the manual, but my ideal would be no manual necessary and all needed information to be found in-game anyway.
Of course, a manual on a large, say 10" tablet, is a quite good substitute ... even better on a large tablet type PC or spare laptop.
Orkhepaj: why do you need to burn them slow?
Are you familiar with buffer under-runs and burn errors. That can usually be avoided by burning slow with decent media. Many have learnt the hard way by doing otherwise.
Burning fast is more often than not a false dichotomy.
Many of my friends have good coaster collections or reflector discs to scare away birds in their garden ... I don't, just a small handful, because I learnt that lesson early.
Don't go cheap and don't go fast .... and better still, don't use discs at all, as HDDs are far superior if treated right, and certainly more cost effective.