Crosmando: The graphics for it are not upscaled though, they have been completely redone from scratch. Literally every environment, model, spell effect etc has been redone.
Again, what is/was wrong with the originals?
Crosmando: The original D2 was designed to be played at 800x600, so even if you use a fan-made widescreen mod, all it does is expand the viewable map, so you just see more of the map, which makes it look like an RTS game and your character is really small, making it harder to play.
Afaik there are also mods to upscale/etc the hud/interface as well, and of can of course always run in lower(though not very low, just sub 4k/etc) resolutions and/or in a window.
Crosmando: Not to mention that running a different exe will likely get you banned from multiplayer as it will look like you're cheating.
I'm gonna guess that doesn't apply when one connects to an opponent directly over IP/etc.
Crosmando: Redoing every graphical thing in the game is "slightly" now?
Will it maybe be slightly better looking? If so, then yes.....imo slightly shinier is the perfect phrase for such.
Crosmando: Proof? Or are you one of those weirdos complaing about tiny, barely noticeable changes like the Amazon's face being somewhat different or the Assassin have smaller boobs? Come on now.
Weirdos? Do you mean people complaining about things that aren't actually there or that haven't happened(in games/other media/etc), or do you see anyone who has criticism against censorship in that/any game as a weirdo?
Crosmando: If it's "good enough" why are you talking about using mods for it?
I meant that others can use mods.
As for me: I like vanilla, but sometimes I like to switch it up with some mods(for various games). Also one of the best things? Mods are usually free, and can even be better than the official product(remasters/etc) in some cases.
BrianSim: You speak only for yourself when you claim a butchered and crippled D2 "Resurrected" is "superior", let alone a "must have".
Well obviously there are others who are the same....i.e. those who will buy a remake/remaster because "shinier graphics" and because the new version might be easier to install/set's a good part of why the remake/remaster market keeps growing and why more companies keep getting in on the trend with other old IPs.
(note: I half expect "Ow My balls!" to become a real TV show at some point in the near future, with the way things are going)
Same with state of a decent chunk of the AAA games industry atm, who know a number of customers will buy due to game company/series/etc loyalty and/or who will buy anything that looks shiny enough or is somewhat easier to install/play.