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Siegor: Scorpion/ Hanzo Asashi.
An undead teleporting ninja that shoots fire. What's not to love?
KiNgBrAdLeY7: You forgot his chain weapon.
Oh crap! He's coming after me now, isn't he?
Cyborg. Ninjas.
No not as such but i did love ganbare goemon.
Breja: This guy:
We can all go home now, because I'm pretty sure Breja just won.
Siegor: Scorpion/ Hanzo Asashi.
An undead teleporting ninja that shoots fire. What's not to love?
Pfff, he's no match for Ayane. Almost
low rated
zeogold: We can all go home now, because I'm pretty sure Breja just won.
My favorite ninja (with no video games or toys attached) is my shadow. He is silent, deadly, always wears black, can jump close and far with nary a blink of the eye, hide under the table when I'm eating, and always gets me in trouble when he farts and I have to end up claiming it...

Silent AND Deadly...
rtcvb32: My favorite ninja (with no video games or toys attached) is my shadow. He is silent, deadly, always wears black, can jump close and far with nary a blink of the eye, hide under the table when I'm eating, and always gets me in trouble when he farts and I have to end up claiming it...

Silent AND Deadly...
But it does have a game attached:
I want to say Ukyo Tachibana badly, but I guess he is not a lowly ninja.

The runner up: I was a big fan of the nameless ninja of Shadow Dancer (and his dog!) as a kid. I think that was the coolest ninja in all of the Shinobi games.
Kotaro Hiba from Soul of the Samurai on PS1

I am very surprised no one mentioned this game, Such a hidden gem.
Post edited June 15, 2016 by UnrealQuakie
InfraSuperman: Richard Harrison.
Strider Hiryu and classic Ryu Hayabusa, mainly.

I don't have figures of any of them, though. :(
rtcvb32: My favorite ninja (with no video games or toys attached) is my shadow.
DaCostaBR: But it does have a game attached:
I will choose to refuse to acknowledge him, as neither my shadow is a hedgehog, nor is sonic related. That and most Sonic games are crap.
I guess Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2.
DaCostaBR: But it does have a game attached:
rtcvb32: I will choose to refuse to acknowledge him, as neither my shadow is a hedgehog, nor is sonic related. That and most Sonic games are crap.
Not a hedgehog! Of course! Sorry for the mistake. Do you mean this one then?