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low rated
Alien: Isolation launched in 2014

How do you feel now?

If you have had any realizations on the inevitable passage of time recently, feel free to share them.

It's interesting looking at people's replies. It's true isn't it? We rarely ever "feel" old.
Post edited June 10, 2022 by Spelspeler
No. I *AM* old. Or young. It depends on the day, really :P.
Seriously? 8 years ago? Damn. I feel old when I look at my favorite games and I say "I've been playing this since 1996." And then I realize that's 26 years ago.
I don't really understand the question. Why would i feel old?
Spelspeler: Alien: Isolation launched in 2014

How do you feel now?

If you have had any realizations on the inevitable passage of time recently, feel free to share them.
Yep, I feel old. But more from back pain rather than the games. But yeah, 8 years already? Cray-cray!
The first Lord of the Rings movie came out more than two decades ago.

Matrix came out in the last millennium.(23 years ago)
I feel old since my teenage. It's like I've been having a second life already full of fear and rush and I all I want is just to lay low and relax. Alien Isolation release date is not that long ago. Wolfenstein 3D release is not as well. ZX Spectrum game on the other hand, - no, not that long ago. It's like a glimpse. I'm confused now.
No, I feel ancient. O.o
2014.. I remember ordering the Xbox One when it released here. Picked it up at the post office, went home and set it up.. and it's 8 years ago. Feels like yesterday. The console generation that replaced it came out almost 2 years ago now. Time flies fast, man.

Do I feel old though? No, I still have to show ID almost everytime I buy beer. That has to be a good sign.
low rated
InSaintMonoxide: I don't really understand the question. Why would i feel old?
One day you will go 'eugh' when getting out of a chair or tieing your shoelaces and you will understand.
2014, lol.

I remember launch days far, FAR behind in the past.
When bits were 8. When 16 was the new great thing and I couldn't even imagine how games could get graphically better.
Post edited June 09, 2022 by Enebias
The only thing that could make me feel old is my birth date.

Edit: very funny, my reputation just turned 1974, which is the year I was born! Now I feel old.
Post edited June 09, 2022 by Cambrey
Spelspeler: Alien: Isolation launched in 2014

How do you feel now?

If you have had any realizations on the inevitable passage of time recently, feel free to share them.
A friend of mine bought the Atari home version of Pong in 1977 or 1978 (it came out in 1975) and I still remember playing it with him back then...
Post edited June 10, 2022 by mrkgnao
Eh, I guess I feel old, especially in the morning before my first cuppa. Soon more white hair than black.
2014, cute. When I was born, DOOM had yet to come out. I'm older than DOOM.