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Darvond: 2014, cute. When I was born, DOOM had yet to come out. I'm older than DOOM.
When I was born, id Software did not yet exist :P. I was there, Gandalf, 3000 years ago when the first RTS games came out.

Themken: Eh, I guess I feel old, especially in the morning before my first cuppa. Soon more white hair than black.
Ah, white haired one, what brings you in these parts? Looking for monsters to hunt? :P
Post edited June 10, 2022 by WinterSnowfall
Mentally? Yes.
Physically? Yes.

Because of health issues though, not some mundane marker like a game release date. Poor health is the real source of "feeling old" imo,
Post edited June 10, 2022 by Braggadar
Yes. I'm 36. I wish I can turn everything back 11 years.
All the time, because I am old (well, really just middle-aged). My introduction to computers and computer games was the Apple IIe in the mid-80s, so looking back on a launch from a mere 8 years ago doesn't even really register for me. You'd have to at least go back to some of my fond highschool gaming memories like HoMM2 and Goldeneye to really hit key gaming landmarks for me, and drive home just how much time has passed since then.
Spelspeler: Alien: Isolation launched in 2014
It definitely funny how games and movies I think of as "new" often end up being 10 years old or something. "I need to get around to that" I'll say, and meanwhile 1/8th of my life has passed by. Definitely freaks you out a little.

I'll also say these games made in the early to mid 10's hold up extremely well visually. I'm replaying Deus Ex: Mankind Divided right now and at max settings it looks as good as any 2022 game, to be honest.
Lifthrasil: The first Lord of the Rings movie came out more than two decades ago.
1977 is definitely more than two decades.
J Lo: Yes. I'm 36. I wish I can turn everything back 11 years.
This but older
J Lo: Yes. I'm 36. I wish I can turn everything back 11 years.
I'm in early 30s and I wish covid never happened.
Post edited June 10, 2022 by CyberBobber

The feeling that you are no longer typically the youngest person in a group but oftentimes the oldest was pretty depressing.
yes I feel like I'm forty
I've been emotionally a 15yo for at least 15 years (ever since I was 25 or so.)
I only feel old when I'm not playing games!
Yeah time seems to pass so incredibly fast for me. I remember Alien Isolation when it launched on Steam like it was last week. I'm 35 and it doesn't seem like it was so long ago that I was in my 20's. Seriously scary.
Post edited June 10, 2022 by Crosmando