PixelBoy: It makes a good science fiction story, but in real life is practically speaking impossible.
Even if there somehow was life elsewhere in the galaxy, that life not only needed to exist, and have some technology to do interstellar travel, but also happen live in the same time as we do.
If they passed through this solar system 100.000 years ago, we wouldn't know about it, if they come 100.000 years from now, we may not be around to see it.
So the likelihood that
1) life exists in several places in this galaxy
2) that alien life is intelligent enough to travel in space
3) those beings would live in the same timeframe as we do
4) out of all those millions of places to go to, they would choose to come here
is practically speaking zero.
Whatever slim theoretical chances there are to all that, is quite well challenged by the Fermi paradox.
Anyway, it's good and entertaining science fiction.
thats not how it works thou
the show managers seed planets with intelligent life at the same time and then hand drive them to find ftl tech more or less in the same time period so they can battle eachother who will be the master of the universe
have you played any MOO or other 4x space strategy or watched star trek ? clearly havent
kai2: There are numerous accounts of UFO activity above or adjacent to nuclear test sites... so much so, that it's been theorized that activity was in direct relation to specific nuclear tests...
... but with the speed of light energy...
morolf: I've read about things like that, and there are also claims that during UFO sightings nuclear missile systems in both the US and the Soviet Union/Russia shut down for unexplainable reasons. Which obviously raises disturbing questions, if true.
But really hard to know what to make of this. There were those revelations by the US navy some time ago about Ufo sightings, and tbh I found it somewhat disturbing, because it seems like nobody knows what these things are, just that they exist (unless it's all some kind of disinformation campaign). I try not to think about it much, because there's no point for a scientifically illiterate layman like me, when even the experts have got no clue.
obviously they fuel their craft with energy from the nuclear material and it is easier to do if humans already gathered and enriched it in specific places , it shouldnt shut down the reaction thou , must be some poor aliens use outdated 2 cylinder old energy siphon systems... we should sue those
kai2: but I do know a number of people there who believe in aliens and in fact believe we have made contact (and possibly alliances).
morolf: What would be the point for aliens capable of space travel in making an alliance with humanity, or even just a specific fraction of humanity? What could they possibly get out of it?
But anyway, unless some new information becomes public, we can't do more than engage in idle speculation.
would you make an alliance with dogs? would be cool , right ? :D so thats why
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Nope. There is no such thing as 'aliens,' planets, outer space, space travel, or any of that other kind of Satanic nonsense which the MSM, Hollywood, and the government are always pushing.
There are demons who can fly in the sky, but that is a different thing altogether from "aliens."
They probably will pull an alien hoax in the coming years, though, with demons playing the role of alien characters.
arent they just gilpeople in disguise? demons ?no way
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Nope. There is no such thing as 'aliens,'
planets, outer space, space travel, or any of that other kind of Satanic nonsense which the MSM, Hollywood, and the government are always pushing.
morolf: You think other planets and outer space don't really exist??? Sounds like a rather eccentric claim.
he is right thou , it is just an illusion , like that waiting music when you call companies they put it there and waiting for you to press in the correct code