ariaspi: I usually take them, but sometimes I skip some of those that really aren't my thing.
I noticed this bug recently. Is there any fix, other than Galaxy? I guess it's from that stupid Hard West 2 free DLC, when they started messing with the hiding function.
I had this before they removed the Hard West 2 dlc. afaik it's not a widespread problem, and I've seen this at least once many years ago reported on the forum. I dunno what causes it, but it's not any 3rd party scripts or blockers because I've tried disabling all the plugins before to no affect. It must be a javascript problem or something (I've taken a peek with browser dev tools and the correct games appear to be returned by the server, but the rest of the page doesn't load and no error occurs).
The hidden games pages shows the correct number of games in the heading, but the game "cards" just refuse to appear so you can't view the products. A pain if you're hoping to access a game via browser you once hid, which is why I urge others not to use the hide function lightly.
Treat hide like a permanent delete, people.