Posted May 28, 2021

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted May 28, 2021

One of the best game reviews, you will not be disappointed, maybe a little:
Post edited May 28, 2021 by Cadaver747

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted May 28, 2021
We're thinking of the same thing - the 4 tv movies that came before the series, sometimes they're referred to as the first season of the show.
Post edited May 28, 2021 by Breja

Free speech and honey!
Registered: Jan 2015
From United States
Posted May 28, 2021
I firmly believe that Bad Old Games should be left to GOG's sister company:
(that's where they belong, after all!)
(that's where they belong, after all!)

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted May 28, 2021
Gog really needs to convince Bethesda to release Rogue Warrior here!
And we need Underworld Ascendant here. It's neither that bad nor that old, but a gog release needs to happen because a) would complete the Underworld series on gog and b) DRM-free version pledge fulfillment for Kickstarter backers.
And we need Underworld Ascendant here. It's neither that bad nor that old, but a gog release needs to happen because a) would complete the Underworld series on gog and b) DRM-free version pledge fulfillment for Kickstarter backers.

Registered: Mar 2015
From Bosnia and Herzegovina
Posted May 28, 2021
I would definitely be interested in buying bad old games if they're not expensive. There are also plenty of games which are universally panned while i find them legitimately enjoyable, such as Bad Day L.A. or The Simpsons Wrestling.

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted May 28, 2021
Underworld Ascendant needs a proper patch and re-balancing. This game is dead. And it's not tied to Ultima Underworld anyway.

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted May 28, 2021
Take it from me: No, you don't. It really sucks.
I'm starting to think that Mike Riedel was the unsung hero of the Postal series, because oddly RWS haven't done anything worthwhile since his departure from the company. All they've done since are either rehashes of old ideas (but done badly and not fun) or shitty new ideas (that are done badly and not fun).
I'm starting to think that Mike Riedel was the unsung hero of the Postal series, because oddly RWS haven't done anything worthwhile since his departure from the company. All they've done since are either rehashes of old ideas (but done badly and not fun) or shitty new ideas (that are done badly and not fun).

New User
Registered: May 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted May 28, 2021
It's a tough one. I am in favour of curation as I don't want GoG to descend into the mess of shovelware you find on Steam or Itch, but equally, I believe that if it will make GoG a profit, then they should sell it. This would include the amount of time that they have to spend on support requests and costs of processing refunds.
For example, I bought Tek-War The Game years ago; it's not a good game, but there's a market for it. I'd buy things like Witchaven (not well received) and if Star Trek Hidden Evil (again, considered a bad game) got a re-release that worked on a more modern system than Windows ME, I'd buy that. As an added bonus, if GoG could drag games out of the abandonware status so it's legally possible to buy them, I'd be in support of that (I know that's controversial to some who believe that abandonware either isn't or shouldn't be illegal, but in most relevant countries, it remains illegal software piracy)
For example, I bought Tek-War The Game years ago; it's not a good game, but there's a market for it. I'd buy things like Witchaven (not well received) and if Star Trek Hidden Evil (again, considered a bad game) got a re-release that worked on a more modern system than Windows ME, I'd buy that. As an added bonus, if GoG could drag games out of the abandonware status so it's legally possible to buy them, I'd be in support of that (I know that's controversial to some who believe that abandonware either isn't or shouldn't be illegal, but in most relevant countries, it remains illegal software piracy)

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted May 29, 2021
low rated

For example, I bought Tek-War The Game years ago; it's not a good game, but there's a market for it. I'd buy things like Witchaven (not well received) and if Star Trek Hidden Evil (again, considered a bad game) got a re-release that worked on a more modern system than Windows ME, I'd buy that. As an added bonus, if GoG could drag games out of the abandonware status so it's legally possible to buy them, I'd be in support of that (I know that's controversial to some who believe that abandonware either isn't or shouldn't be illegal, but in most relevant countries, it remains illegal software piracy)
Honestly, I thought hidden evil was serviceable. We have alot of bad old games here already, so why not go ahead and make this more about old games again? It's not like the drm-free crowd isn't inherently a games preservation community, so it seems perfectly within GOG's aim.
Sharpest Tool On Shelf
Registered: May 2017
From Australia
Posted May 29, 2021
@OP - I don't see why not.
Bad can in many circumstances be subjective, and one person's trash can be another's treasure.
Take WWII GI, which I thought was a great game and which I completed many years ago. Many canned that game.
There are multiple reasons for liking and or appreciating a game ... the same for disliking.
Some games should also probably be here for their historical context too, and for comparative reasons to give context for a time period etc or developmental movements.
I don't see GOG as just a game store or just because it is DRM-Free for the most part. I also see it as a kind of archive, though unfortunately subject to removals sometimes.
It's a real shame when GOG loses a game sometimes, like some of the Duke Nukem ones, and also a shame we lose access to many posts and all reviews for a game.
That said, there are just so many games created these days, many which are pretty crappy. I wouldn't like to see them turn up here one day as an old game. So there is a context for what I said above, and probably a once off time period for so called bad old games.
Bad can in many circumstances be subjective, and one person's trash can be another's treasure.
Take WWII GI, which I thought was a great game and which I completed many years ago. Many canned that game.
There are multiple reasons for liking and or appreciating a game ... the same for disliking.
Some games should also probably be here for their historical context too, and for comparative reasons to give context for a time period etc or developmental movements.
I don't see GOG as just a game store or just because it is DRM-Free for the most part. I also see it as a kind of archive, though unfortunately subject to removals sometimes.
It's a real shame when GOG loses a game sometimes, like some of the Duke Nukem ones, and also a shame we lose access to many posts and all reviews for a game.
That said, there are just so many games created these days, many which are pretty crappy. I wouldn't like to see them turn up here one day as an old game. So there is a context for what I said above, and probably a once off time period for so called bad old games.
Post edited May 29, 2021 by Timboli

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted May 29, 2021
Basically, I would like for to be a vault of every game ever released.
Granted that those really ARE games and not some gimmick bullshit someone made in 5 minutes and it probably lasts that long as well. Personally, I wouldn't allow any of that sick hentai crap that's popular for reasons beyond my comprehension level, but if there are gaming elements there, let those interested have their fun.
So, yeah, some curation should be there.
Collectors want to own everything and they would buy those games no matter the quality. The rest of us would be happy to know they are available if we go crazy with our curiosity and want to give "Daikatanas" a go.
I mean I have played and finished Alpha Black Zero: Intrepid Protocol, Evil Days of Luckless John, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Mortyr (2093 - 1944), Reservoir Dogs, Animorphs: Shattered Reality and Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge...those are some really shitty games...but they are games.
Granted that those really ARE games and not some gimmick bullshit someone made in 5 minutes and it probably lasts that long as well. Personally, I wouldn't allow any of that sick hentai crap that's popular for reasons beyond my comprehension level, but if there are gaming elements there, let those interested have their fun.
So, yeah, some curation should be there.
Collectors want to own everything and they would buy those games no matter the quality. The rest of us would be happy to know they are available if we go crazy with our curiosity and want to give "Daikatanas" a go.
I mean I have played and finished Alpha Black Zero: Intrepid Protocol, Evil Days of Luckless John, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Mortyr (2093 - 1944), Reservoir Dogs, Animorphs: Shattered Reality and Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge...those are some really shitty games...but they are games.

Elexis Sinclaire for President!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Germany
Posted May 29, 2021

"The more the merrier", "one man's trash is another man's treasure", and all that.
Not incomplete Steam-Greenlight garbage stuff, but REAL COMPLETE / FINISHED bad ones, which were sold IN BOX in the 80s/90s/00s.
I am still waiting for stuff like "Island Peril", "Isle of the Dead", "Fortress of Dr.Radiaki", "Nerves of Steel" and so on.
Bought all trash releases so far, will buy more. So. Bring. It. On.
Post edited May 29, 2021 by Anime-BlackWolf

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation

I am so old I actually began to grow young again..
Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted May 29, 2021

Sure, "good" and "bad" are subjective terms. What I mean are games like Hellboy: Dogs of Night, Destiny of the Doctors, Miami Vice - stuff that's almost universaly recognised as bad, but is notable either precisely because of how bad it is (like Daiktana seems to be) or because it represents a setting or license otherwise rarely (or never) present in games.
I don't mean those particular game neccesairly, I'm just in general curious if you'd be interested in some infamous old titles enough to actually buy them here. Because I'm asking myself that and I'm not sure. As a fan I'm very curious of the Hellboy game for example, but on the other hand, would I really spend money on a bad gamei nstead of a good one just because I'm curious?
UA I regret pledging "avatar" to that tourist trap. you can't even save for a long-long time after you get past the first part! a mess and time consuming one must take a break when sitting in a chair for more than an hour stretch! these Devs these days! PAH!
Post edited May 29, 2021 by neosapian