Orkhepaj: so what are his politics? oh is it different than yours must be nazi then right?
dudalb: Every time a game features a women or non white in a starring role, the Dragon posts a rant about i6 bein "Woke" and Virtue SIgnalling". So, yeah, I think he is a bigot.
sasuke12: Nazis are the go-to-villians when Westerners run out of creative ideas to make new, interesting villians.
There is an over-saturation of video games, movies,
TV shows in USA where nazis are shown as the bad guy. This shows that Americans have lost their creativity talents and are just recycling old, used up villains again and again.
dudalb: I agree that Nazis are often choched, but they WERE the bad guys in World War 2. Something to do with there wanting to conqued thw world, commiting Genocide, etec.
Orkhepaj: it does but games have to pc looks like and nazi killing is the most pc fighting ever
dudalb: Just saw what you are reading.
That expalains a lot.
Wishmaster777: The answer is - yes. And, they were National Socialists, not "nazis".
dudalb: I feel so sorry for the Nazis being called a nickname.
explains what? oh wait it is a forbidden book ... ah