Breja: The main storyline is actually way better than I remembered it. I mean yes, it does get convoluted and are holes in it, and the first season doesn't really have any plan for it whatsoever, there is a lot of "we're making it up as we go along" to it, but still it actually has better continuity and consistency to it then I remembered. I guess watching the whole thing, season after season in one run helps see how bits an pieces of stuff from earlier season do get followed up on. And the shadowy, sinister syndicate meetings are always fun. It's really amazing how with a couple of good character actors in one room they achieved this level of very grounded, beliveable terror, while talking about stuff such as alien colonists and sentient black oil.
A lot of it comes from how well directed and shot the show is. Some article I've read called X-Files "effortlessly cinematic", and I think it describes it perfectly. Many shows nowadays have big budget and impressive visuals, but still feel kinda amatourish to me. X-Files can just linger on a shot of Mulder sitting in a poorly lit room and look like it's a Oscar-contender.
Absolutely :) The cast was perfectly chosen, especially and rather unexpectedly when it came to the tea drinking syndicate members and the cigarette man. The chubby syndicate leader in particular with his weird voice works incredibly well in his role. And the lone gunmen of course. I just don't see a casting like that happening today.
At the end of the day though, Mulder and Scully really make the show. One day some decades into the future someone will try to reboot X-files without them (obivously) and it will be terrible.
Damn, all this X-files talk makes me want to watch it again :P I haven't watched it for some years and still need to continue where I left off, somewhere in season 6 I think. And after X-files, Macgyver!