BreOl72: An opinion, of course, which will be immediately called out as bullshit by someone, and that someone also won't tire to tell you, how much better you'll be off, by using this "experimental distro YZ", that he uses, and which is totally fine - if you don't mind having to setup your system anew every 48 hours.
Your opinion is bullshit ;P
On a more serious note, I have been using Linux for more than 10 years now, including for gaming. My last Windows build was Windows XP, and I dropped it long before Microsoft phased it out. Linux (specifically Debian) is without a doubt the more appropriate system
for my use case.
But I see no point in trying to convince people who are satisfied with Windows into migrating to Linux. I have nothing to gain from it, and a system migration is never easy, be it from or towards Windows or Linux.
People who have no problem with using a corporate-controlled system (be it Windows or Mac OS) will rarely find the motivation to change habits they had for years, maybe even decades. So unless the switch is motivated by ethical/political reasons, it has very low chances to be a success.
I don't understand the purpose of the Linux vs. Windows "war", no more than I understand the "distro wars" happening inside the Linux communities. Why would I care what other people run on their computers, as long as it is not detrimental to my own activities?
Of course I can get angry when I see disinformation about Linux being harder to use (it is not, people are conflating their habits with ease-of-use) or not being able to run games. But then I try to ignore such claims instead of getting involved in a fruitless flamewar (not that I always manage to stay uninvolved, but at least I do most of the time).
Beating up on someone because they gave up after trying Linux for the first time is the worst possible behaviour in such situations. Thankfully this is something that seem to happen almost only in gaming communities, probably some spin-off of the console vs. PC or Sony vs. Nintendo things…
I know that my choice is the best one
for me, but I do not have a mission to convince anyone to follow in the Light™ ;)
TL;DR Fighting over OS choice is stupid. People doing it should stop, no matter if they come from Windows, Linux or Amiga.