mistermumbles: Frankly, I've yet to see any game with an agenda that's actually fun to play, no matter what the issues is. More often than not they're not even that informative/enlightening.
I play games to have fun and not to have someone's viewpoint forced down my throat.
DaCostaBR: What is a game with an agenda?
I'm being serious. Which means this is probably not the thread to discuss this, but what constitutes as an agenda to you? Making an effort to have characters of multiple ethnicities/genders/sexual orientations?
Gone Home was quite maligned by a lot of people, but would the game be any different if the couple in the story was straight and not gay? Does it have an agenda?
Dragon Age has a lot of gay and bisexual characters, sometimes to its detriment, but I think they exist solely to please fans who might enjoy it. Does catering to these fans constitute as an agenda? Because if that's the case then every game has that same agenda.
Apart from stuff like America's Army or Bible Man, as mentioned in this thread, every game is made with one of two purposes in mind: be good or make money. Everything else, including diversity of the cast, is added simply because the creators think it will help accomplish one of these things.
I don't mean to be confrontational with this question, but I've seen games be accused of having an agenda many times, and I don't really see it. Naive perhaps on my part, but words like those seem to imply such maliciousness in my mind, when I think every developer just hopes people will like their game and makes what they believe can best achieve that. Where does a game stops being just something the creator thought would be good and it starts being a vehicle to spread an agenda?
I believe that the games talked about in the video are games that have nothing else to offer than an agenda. Some of them don't even have what most would call gameplay, certainly not a compelling narrative.
Your example of Dragon Age is perfect. I don't think it's a game with an agenda simply because the sexual orientation of the characters don't matter at all. Especially because they don't just come out & state it the minute they see you. ;)
It's only by your interactions with them that you *might* get to know more about them, if you want. It seems perfectly natural.
I honestly see no difference in the writing between gay & straight characters, nothing feels forced, and though there *are* cringe worthy moments, it has nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the characters. It's just the occasional spot of bad writing, which of course happens in a game with so much dialogue, most of which will be bypassed by the majority of players anyway.
Simply put, if anyone has a problem with some characters from the Dragon Age universe being gay, then it most certainly isn't because they are forced or tacked on. In fact, some straight characters feel more tacked on - Hi, Sten - or forced - Hello, Alistair - than the gay ones.
Don't get me wrong, I like Alistair & Sten just fine, it's just... well, their stories don't seem to flow as well, even if Alistair's story is interwoven throughout the whole of Ferelden.
I absolutely loved the interaction between Wade & Herren, especially because it wasn't until Awakening that it became obvious they were lovers. Sure, some people paying more attention to the subtleties may have figured it out sooner, but I certainly didn't.
Furthermore, this is the only time I've discussed DA's character's sexuality, because it's not what matters. They're fully fleshed out characters defined by their different personalities, of which their sexuality is simply a part of, as opposed to their entire raison d'etre, unlike the shallow, one dimensional characters made up for the games displayed in the video, which are entirely defined by their gender and/or sexuality, which is exactly the opposite of what the creators set out to do.
Frankly, it's hilarious.
XYCat: Do you realize it's not actually a video by Sargon of Akkad? :D
Like I said, I only found out about his channel yesterday. That was the first video I saw, & then watched a couple of others before I posted that.
So now, I didn't realise that.
I've been looking for a bit more info & there's certainly some doubts cast on his character. I still don't know how truthful those claims are, for now, I enjoyed his videos, the corrections he annotates whenever new info comes to light & that he puts up links to his sources in the videos.
I also like that he seems to be pissing off all the right people, but I will not vouch for his character or get into his corner unquestioningly.
Eventually, I will have a more formed opinion of him, but for now, the video above is good, or at least I think it is.