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Well, they migh have bought Fox, but that's not the only thing DIsney's up to. According to the following article, Disney seems to be in the process of developing new games based on Lucasfilm IPs:

In the last few days, Disney has posted job descriptions for numerous roles, all specifically for work at “Lucasfilm Games”. These include producers, marketing coordinators, art directors, and other major roles.

According to the postings, Lucasfilm Games will be working on “interactive products” based on Star Wars or other Lucasfilm IP, for “all digital platforms”. These include PC, Mac, all current-gen consoles, mobile phones, and AR/VR devices.
I have exactly zero hopes of them ever releasing a good Star Wars game. It is Disney after all.
"According to the postings, Lucasfilm Games will be working on “interactive products” based on Star Wars or other Lucasfilm IP, for “all digital platforms”. These include PC, Mac, all current-gen consoles, mobile phones, and AR/VR devices. We’re already expecting Willow VR to be announced later this year."

That kind of kills whatever little excitement that announcement might otherwise trigger.

Of course, if they finally make that Star Wars point and click game that the historical LucasFilm/Arts never made for some unimaginable reason, I might change my opinion then.
Perfectly fine with me if this is what it takes to keep EA away from the franchise after their licensing deal has expired.
A name means nothing. I could revive Looking Glass right now, but with none of the original developers. Would it matter?

Only fcats do, so we'll see if the new ones are worthy. Considering they are under Disney's direction though, I don't keep my hopes up. The execs could sink to the depths of Hell even the most talented group of geniuses with their demands.
PixelBoy: Of course, if they finally make that Star Wars point and click game that the historical LucasFilm/Arts never made for some unimaginable reason, I might change my opinion then.
They didn't do SW P&C because when adventures still were the top dog money-making genre, the game rights for SW were licensed to other developers. When Lucas finally got them back, other genres were already more profitable, which lead them to do fantastic games like X-Wing and so on.
Yeah, and Amazon is reviving J.R.R. Tolkien :P
Reviving? Sounds more like necromancy to me...
it sounds like Disney just trying to cash in on an old unused brand name they own for nostalgia bux. but I'll be honest. I probably would have more than a little interest if a VR Maniac Mansion was in the works
PixelBoy: Of course, if they finally make that Star Wars point and click game that the historical LucasFilm/Arts never made for some unimaginable reason, I might change my opinion then.
tomimt: They didn't do SW P&C because when adventures still were the top dog money-making genre, the game rights for SW were licensed to other developers. When Lucas finally got them back, other genres were already more profitable, which lead them to do fantastic games like X-Wing and so on.

when lucas was actually running the company, one of his few rules was that the adventure game division didn't get to make sw games at all. and in a way, that was good. it allowed them to make other, more interesting, more unique games. if they'd had the licenses to just print adventure game star wars money, we might never have had a "dig" or "grim fandango" or "loom."
Look forward to Mobile titles and Vr novelties.
Reading thread title -> excited about Monkey Island 5!
Reading story -> down to Earth again.
It's only Lucasfilm Games by name.

The thing I want the most from Disney though is Sam & Max in cartoon form, NC-17. I don't think they could make anything good with it if it became reality, but still.
On the bright side, it looks like this means Disney is getting tired of how pitifully EA is handling the Star Wars license. In the past they've come right out and said that they're bad at making video games and would rather have others pay them for the privilege. If they're throwing their hat into the ring maybe, just maybe, they'll be able to build and develop a team that can do good work.

That's probably too optimistic though, given what they've said. It makes it sound more like they want to do a quick cash grab.
Panaias: Reading thread title -> excited about Monkey Island 5!