Ian Flynn could be the best writer since Issac Asimov, but will he escape from the clutches of Sega's infamous mismanagement? I'm kind of doubtful.
And after the
snog the hog incident, I'm surprised a moratorium wasn't put on princesses in infinite perpetuity. Speaking of, boy what a dissapointment Infinite was, huh? I guess they didn't learn from
Muffles the Dark, either. I call him Muffles because they forgot to give him a mouth.
And really, that's the crux. They seem to be making a lot of the same mistakes that they did all that time ago, except this time, it isn't on their side, because the damned project has been spinning wheels for over 5 years. And floating disjointed platforms in what looks like a test level
was an awful first impression. I'll roll out the bullet points:
‣ Sonic once again is getting saddled with an unwarrented progression system.
‣ Once again, the hog finds himself in a strange world instead of the already established strange world.
‣ Code Princess. We have Code Princess.
‣ There's a massive overworld to traverse once again, even though most of it is filler.
‣ Once again, we're asked to take the hooptyfroo world at face value in spite of it supposedly being free of Eggman's influence and more grounded in look than ever before. Why did Gaia decide to put floating rails in the air? Such are the whims.
‣ Sonic's -
way-past-cool- attitude is being juxtaposed once again with a story that is trying to give theatrical weight to a living cartoon hedgehog.
‣ Oh, cool. Let's take the character who is entirely about speed, and make him slow down and puzzle things out. That sure worked in Marble Zone, the roadblock that stops most people from seeing the rest of Sonic 1.
‣ While we're back at taking features only from the best and brightest ideas we had, let's put a combat system back in, just to remind people how nice it was to have the free time to deal with tedious games like Sonic Heroes.
Also, I want to know what drugs they're paying the marketing team to write what they did with a straight face.