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Ice_Mage: I definitely don't want everything on my wishlist added to my shopping cart. The following worked well enough for me, considering my wishlist only has one page.
It worked. My wishlist has 89 entries for a total worth of 1091,21 €
(but 4 games are on sale at the moment... if they came at full price, the total amount would be 1121,11 €)
That's a nice sum of money, for sure. Very recently I beefed the list up to double its former size, and even so it's missing many games I've put on hold: some I'm not entirely sure about, some recent (or even in development) ones that I'll evaluate more thoroughly at some point in the future, and some that are just too far down the road to consider buying right now (also because of hardware considerations).
Well to be honest not everything on the list could really be considered an urgent or essential purchase, either.
And I'm only buying when on sale.
cose_vecchie: (but 4 games are on sale at the moment... if they came at full price, the total amount would be 1121,11 €)
Bases prices are part of the gogData variable in an inline script, if anyone else wants to have at it. Fetching that stuff exceeds my ability, or at least my patience.
cose_vecchie: some I'm not entirely sure about, some recent (or even in development) ones that I'll evaluate more thoroughly at some point in the future, and some that are just too far down the road to consider buying right now (also because of hardware considerations).
That's exactly how I use the wishlist as well. At any given time, I'd only consider buying a handful of my wishlisted games, if they go on sale. Most of the ~100 items on my wishlist are there for tracking purposes for various reasons, and I'll re-evaluate how I feel about them at a later date.
It's 404, there is an error on my wishlist XD
The price is astronomical.
49€ for 3... epic.

And they're all in the "might consider if seriously discounted" league...
Post edited February 06, 2022 by ignisferroque
low rated
de_v1to: you could open your browser console and do automate u clicking on all them buttons.
Ice_Mage: I definitely don't want everything on my wishlist added to my shopping cart. The following worked well enough for me, considering my wishlist only has one page.

var nums = [];
var sums = document.querySelectorAll(".product-row--wishlist:not([class*='is-tba']) .product-state__price");
for (i = 0, j = sums.length; i < j; i++) nums.push(parseFloat(sums[i].textContent));"This wishlist page costs " + nums.reduce((partial_sum, a) => partial_sum + a,0));
de_v1to: what do you mean....if u go to your wishlist page and paste the will add all items to your checkout....
Ice_Mage: The wishlist only shows 100 items per page. If you have more than that, the code snippet must be run again on each page.
Woohoo! Lucky me, I also got the -Ice_Mage wishlist total price calculator- :)

Yes, I was trying to say the wishlist goes 100 items per page. I guess I'll need to run the script by page then... not a big deal to repeat it 15 times... (just kidding!)

Thank you de_v1to & Ice_Mage for sharing your scripts!
tag+: Woohoo! Lucky me, I also got the -Ice_Mage wishlist total price calculator- :)
You're welcome, for whatever it's worth.
tag+: I guess I'll need to run the script by page then... not a big deal to repeat it 15 times... (just kidding!)
Sorry, I'd have to add quite a few items to get past 100 on my wishlist. I also doubt any calculated sum would persist once the script in the console switches pages. That would probably require being run as a user script, which I can't do because I don't allow add-ons on GOG.
My wishlist is best described "hey this looks cool! let's put it here so I don't forget about it" than "yes, I 100% want this."
...which is why it totals about 1.5 grand AU. I think I should do some pruning....
Well my wishlist is at 232, I'm not tallying up the value, but i know it's well over $3000 worth.

At least half of which I'd have bought by now if GOG hadn't been a bunch of asshats. Now it's all sitting there waiting for either bargain bin discounts, or at risk of removal.
Ice_Mage: That's exactly how I use the wishlist as well. At any given time, I'd only consider buying a handful of my wishlisted games, if they go on sale. Most of the ~100 items on my wishlist are there for tracking purposes for various reasons, and I'll re-evaluate how I feel about them at a later date.
Keveat: My wishlist is best described "hey this looks cool! let's put it here so I don't forget about it" than "yes, I 100% want this."
Personally, I'd like to have the ability to organize the wishlist according to my own desire. At the very least, it should be possible to sort the list manually, in order to put high-priority titles at the top and low-priority ones at the bottom. But then, it would be great to have tags you could add to the entries ("next-to-buy", "for the future", "to inspect later" and the like), in a similar way to what you can already do with your personal collection. Or even the ability to put games in diffferent lists, with tabs to access them.
I don't think we'll see many changes in the near future, though...
I agree with what cose_vecchie said, that wishlist tags or at least sorting would be great. At times I've had games on my WL I already own just in case I wanted to buy them for a GA.

It occurred to me that another chunk of my WL is games I do want but that won't run on my current system, so they're placeholders for if I ever get a new computer...someday.