yomielf: It is really bizarre that the only people in the world who still say racist stuff about anime videogames are an extremely small minority of american nationalists on the internet stuck in the past, the overwhelming majority of videogames produced are anime and manga related, by default, the overwhelming majority of highest grossing franchises are anime related and there is nothing more mainstream and universal than anime and manga, seeing such racist drivel in 2021 by a dying breed nationalist minority is really bizarre
yomielf: How the hell do people like you even exist anymore? what racist shithole did you crawl from? nobody cares about your silly drivel and it is extremely bizarre that you even say that as a neckbeard american that failed in life,
an american neckbeard calling other people virgins has to be the biggest oxymoron ever, when your own country has the highest divorce rates, the highest suicide rates, the most ruined families and the most uneducated idiots on the planet, also people like you are always the ones that are projecting their own failures in life, i bet you didn't even finish high school as it is usual with failed americans
These last years we are seeing an incredibly huge collapse of the american culture, from the taliban crushing their stupid soldiers to the dirt, to the overall collapse of their power and economy, it has made your silly racist drivel the even more stupid, you are nothing more than a dying breed of neckbeard nationalists that do not belong in the world anymore
ciemnogrodzianin: More and more of these...
Someone mentioned IndieGala here – they've started to offer this kind of games/bundles and today they look more like a cheap porn site. I don't know, it looks like a next step from what GOG used to be... :|
yomielf: You sound exactly like a neckbeard american nationalist from the 2008s that has never been out of their house, not sure how you people were grown up but it is incredibly bizarre that you even have such a backwards mentality and racist drivel in 2021... fortunately you are nothing more than a dying breed
99,9% of videogames produced are anime and manga related, so it is a huge oxymoron that you are even here in the first place, with the collapse of the United States your drivel is useless
Nice projecting, but most people that are complaining about anime aren't the right-wingers, but the loony left and their idea of sexualizing fictional characters. The biggest reason steam has started rejecting VN was right after they bought the left wing studio Campo Santos.
Still wondering where you see him mentioning race? Or did you just make up your own? Kinda like how there are 72 fantasy genders all of a sudden.
How is his comment even remotely racist? Is there now suddenly a race called anime? Or virgins?
"When your own country has the highest divorce rates, the highest suicide rates, the most ruined families and the most uneducated idiots on the planet" this was also done thanks to the left political agenda.
High divorce rates - happens more thanks to the left idea of every woman should just sleep around and be strong and independent. While all that really happens is that people go to bed with each other accidentally get kids, get married and never were compatible and get divorced. For the black it's more of a welfare scam why they get kids.
Suicide rates - CRT and other programs like Gender or Race studies made sure that white men get the blame for everything, regardless of the fact they are getting blamed for something that is centuries old. Also brought upon them thanks to the ultra-left and their fantasy notion of equality.
Uneducated idiots - is because of the union and no free choice school choice. Also brought upon people thanks to leftist policies that made sure you can't just fire a bad teacher and the lack of free choice means if your child is in a public school you get no choice but to get the worse teacher. Kinda like those woke reacher that barely focus on maths and language and are more busy whining about diversity.
And before you blame America for having stupid people, In Europe it is declining rapidly.
Don't ignore the fact that the crushing of American troops is thanks to the leftist favourite mental ill president that doesn't even know where the White House is located in a recent interview. He thinks it is located in Florida.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7iwz1miIaI The left destroyed the nuclear family, so now people don't care if they go to bed with everybody because eventually the state has to pick up their mess and filthy life choices. At least that's how it works here in Europe.
[Modded by Sarafan: Edited the quoted part]