Darvond: I tend to prefer Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"; I imagine that like most things on this website, it relies on creaky old databases and bloated blob files. And in cleaning out the nodes that were related to the Hitman reviews, they managed to demolish several other reviews.
(Though, given the matter, I feel there shouldn't be different reviews over different "Editions" of games, and that instead there should be a "Here's what our users are saying about Space Umpires IV".)
I have my own issues with the different 'Editions', but I feel this might be misleading.
Many times the different editions contain different sets of DLCs, and those can often change content or provide bug fixes.
So, someone thinking about purchasing 'Generic Game' might read a review that was technically about 'Generic Game: The ultimate Collection', and not realize that one of the pieces of content for 'The ultimate Collection' fixed a but that prevents the original edition from running on a particular system (or it crashes at a certain point if certain conditions are met).
Or that one of the things that people liked about 'Generic Game' was something that was added for 'The Ultimate Edition' specifically.
Perhaps if the reviews were labeled with the particular edition of the game that was reviewed, but showed up on all editions, it would work.