x3vyx: Why worsened? I checked my prime owned games, when i open the store of the game it says i own it.
I got my Deus Ex from prime, in store page and searching it says I own it. so no problem here.
the big problem is, for example: Moonlighter, I own the base game and the DLC
There is also the Moonlighter Complete Edition, that is the base + dlc. But dont say I own it, steam does this, idk if Epic does it too.
DyNaer: Moonlighter Complete Edition has a different id, that's the reason the store say you dont have it (it should but the store has some limitations...)
Check there :
https://www.gogdb.org/products?search=moonlighter i suppose you got the base game + dlc separately and not the complete package
As pointed out Cavalary, sometimes it works :
ie : you got / bought the base game + dlc separately and if a package exists then the store displays it as owned, and sometimes it doesn't
I would be surprise if the support would add the complete package to your account (i asked this multiples times during the past years and no change for the titles concerned so far ....) I have several titles in this situation it's doesn't cause any trouble (technically) . The only annoying problem is when you browse the store ...
I know, what I'm saying is the problem here is not the ID, because the amazon prime version of Deus ex its another ID too, but. But they are "Product type: Package" so I think in terms of database, is essentially a bug, because sometimes works, sometimes dont.