I remember playing 1
FMV game and beating it.
Wouldn't be too hard to figure out which one it was. The video screen that was
'live' was small (
well my impressions was it was small, I remember playing it when I was 13?), compression/graphics were terrible, and once you played the experience there was effectively no re-playability.
FMV games are more akin to
VCR Board Games.
Games which happened to have
FMV for cut-scenes and the like and weren't the main (
and only) component likely fared better.
Perhaps a portion of my criticism would be lessened if they had more space to work with, say a
DVD and today's mp4 codec while making the same game (
resolution and limited graphics), they might have added in dozens of variations of scenes or optional paths, but that seems unlikely as the amount of extra acting in front of blue screens for all the combinations would probably get tiring after a while.
Not to mention the game's entirely reactionary, meaning your only purpose is to activate traps or deactivate via entering codes from a notebook at the right time.
What little I played of
FMV and seen of more, they are... riddled with problems.