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low rated
tinyE: Way to kill all the fun it was actually a pretty groovy thread Bradley. :P Nothing against your politics but calm down friend. XD Think about kittens and rainbows for a few minutes, relax.
Don't you have a flag to burn, or a nigga friend to wipe her arse with it and upload that on the internet, like all this unbelievably twisted cr@p you polluted the entire internet with, over there?

Or that one:

Way to go, supposed "minorities" and your rights! Great job unmasking yourselves and flying your REAL colors! Nazis burn the things that don't serve them and their best interests, exactly like rainbow-brigade burnt the poor, desecrated american flag!

Look where tolerance lead to. Some people sacrificed their lives for that flag once, so devolved scum like your rainbow buddies and imported trash can breathe the air of freedom and instead of being respectful, they drown everything around them in shit like the animals they are!

I am thinking of a cat right now to relax, but only this type of kitty:
Post edited November 14, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
And that's what I get for trying to be jovial with someone I'm normally just flaming with. :P

Oh well, at least I tried. :D
low rated
tinyE: And that's what I get for trying to be jovial with someone I'm normally just flaming with. :P

Oh well, at least I tried. :D
Of course you "tried". Because you are a TRAITOR.
My purpose in life is to be who I want to be and to do what I want to do. And that for as long as possible - preferably a lot longer.
TwoHandedSword: You may not yet have a purpose, but at least you have the answer.
I thought the answer
I have absolutely no meaning in life, i live worthless life of an ignorant consumer who plays too much and does too little. I would have commit suicide if only it was not too stupid to end life prematurely. I can only hope that in some years the meaning of life will unfold eventually.
My life in general is more or less pleasant, entertainment, sex and food help solve the problem of slumber.
I also tried to be religious but my humble research raised more questions than answers about "all loving god". Maybe budhism is the closest thing for my liking, but there are too much controversies.
I was happy for a few short periods in the past, probably wife and kids could give me some meaning...
I don't really have a purpose in life (am inclined to melancholy, and have often thought about offing myself), but basically it's that I want to know. I'll never penetrate to the secrets of the universe, but there are plenty of historical works I still want to read, plenty to learn about the human condition...and I want to see how all of the trends that are already recognizable today turn out. Life is pointless and full of suffering, but at the same time the world is so very interesting and full of wonders and horrors.
My life purpose is to live normally, without making waves, without getting married or raising kids, with a job I don't care about that pays the bills and lets me do things I enjoy when I'm not working.
My purpose in life seems to be to amass a backlog of as many games as possible, never play them, and then revel in the misplaced pride of my grand non-accomplishment.
My porpoise in life.
My tortoise in life.
I don't believe our lives have a 'purpose', we're just here because we got genes that are successful in replicating themselves. That said, we all got things we wish, things we like. So if there's a purpose, it's to strive to realize your own goals, as long as striving for them isn't morally wrong. Then there's what's morally right. I don't believe in metaphysics, but I do believe it's morally right to strive for a world were everybody can be happy pursuing their goals, not being oppressed, tortured, struck by poverty or hunger, a world were the livelihood of humanity doesn't infringe on the livelihood of other species or the future state of the planet (we want the grandchildren of our grandchildren to live in a healthy world as well, don't we?).

Luckily what I really want doesn't clash with the happiness and livelihood of others and others species, as that is exactly what I want most: a world where everyone's happy. A world that's just, sustainable, where everyone is equally wealthy and has enough to eat and live without harming the biosphere.

The unlucky thing is, our world is so far from what I want and I suffer daily from that realization. So what I do, is to do what I can and strive for a better society locally, by stepping up for the interests for those who like me suffer from a mental illness and live in my home area. That's where I can do something meaningful. And so this work I do gives my life meaning and purpose.
There's really not much else that stuck to my mind about Bojack Horseman, but this quote did.
Post edited November 14, 2016 by Rixasha
DubConqueror: Luckily what I really want doesn't clash with the happiness and livelihood of others and others species, as that is exactly what I want most: a world where everyone's happy. A world that's just, sustainable, where everyone is equally wealthy and has enough to eat and live without harming the biosphere.
That is one high demand, one that is most definitely never going to happen. For one thing, how exactly would a world work where everyone is equally wealth? I understand the idea that everyone would have decent opportunities in life and good health but given biological differences both in need and capabilities I don't see that as even a viable option unless you're willing to kill humanity's diversity.