ToasterBox: Well when I said purpose in life The meaning can vary a lot depending on the person, but basically its when you found something you like so much in doing it that you never get tired of it even if you still suck at it. Or maybe you found a place or a period in your life in which things were going so smooth because you were willing to put effort to get through challengens you found. Or maybe it is a really difficult dream that you have that makes you keep working to get more skilled and stronger to reach it.
Whatever it is it gives your life a meaning and a goal to reach.
I knew what you meant ;)
I do have a slight sarcastic person in me (Zeogold stop laughing!). Hence my post was just to make you think a second or two ;)
But the main thing, which is not really a purpose of life, but what we shall never forget: Joy and enjoyment. It is just to easy to forget about what IMHO makes life worthwhile, Joy and enjoyment, even with a purpose ONLY, life wouldn't be anything without this, or? ;)
But otherwise to REALLY answer the question, it would take books to answer.
Why? Purpose does imply an underlying principle, of a conciseness, which leads to the next question: Your own, somebodies else, another higher being, which kind of being, on which level involved, how far involved and and and.
Even if you/we/me JUST assume our own one, which one? The Uber-Ich, the unter-Ich (hello Freud ;) ), the beast, the mood, the intellect, the enviousness and and and ;)
So CAN we really say anything about the purpose? I don't think so. (seriously)
We can be lucky, if we can really describe and live our life in a way to make us enjoy it as best as we can ;)