kalirion: Would you be a garbage collector for the good for other people? A toilet cleaner?
Would you work your ass of through 12 years of med school to become a doctor and get compensated the same (i.e. nothing) as the guy who hands out (free) hot dogs at a baseball game?
I'll tell it to you like I told it to one of my friends.
I think there has to be a happy medium.
For example, I did 8 years of post secondary education and will have done anywhere from 5 to 10 man years of self learning throughout my career. I work in pretty competitive market and my only job security is the extent of my skills.
So, I think it's fair I earn ~150% what someone with a non-skilled job earns (those 8 years with little income in my 20s were prime years), especially if that non-skilled work has iron-clad job security and sure enough, I earn about 150% what your average strongly unionized blue collar worker earns. That's fair.
That being said, I don't think it would be fair if I earned 1000% the wage of a non-skilled worker and I don't think it's fair that I currently earn over 3 times what someone who earns minimum wage earns.
I'm not overpaid, people who earn minimum wage are criminally underpaid. They need to bump up the minimum wage by at least 50% while freezing everyone else's income. I'd gladly sacrifice 2%-5% of my wage in inflation to see that happen.
There has to be a notion of viability for the least paid and there has to be a notion of fairness. Atm, we have neither.
kalirion: It doesn't work even if there is no greed, as long as there are too many undesirable jobs for true heroes to want to do just because they need to be done.
That's why I said we need robots or something to take care of everything, so humans would be free to do whatever they really enjoy doing. As long as the AI isn't sentient, it won't care about being the "lower class" upon which the leisure class that is humanity stands.
Robotizing most of the workforce only works if you have the notion of a universal guaranteed minimum income that covers all the essentials (lodging, food, clothes, transportation, electricity and in our day and age, the internet... nutcases can talk all they like about how tough people had it in pre-industrial time, if you don't have the internet in this day and age, you are living by third-world standards).
Atm, we are too stupid, corrupt and inept to even pay a lot of our workforce that works full time a livable income. How do you think we'll come around to paying people who can't find a job a livable income?