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Forza Motorsport 7

I really liked Forza 2 on the 360 and like car games in general so when I saw an announcement Forza 7 was going to be delisted and it was also on pc (I didn't knew that before) I had to buy it.
But the moment I started the game (after a day of downloading) I was bombarded with an agro overdose of being the best and fastest and I should wear racingsuits with skulls and other death related imagery, sponsored by Brawndo and energy drinks, it was a bit of a smack in the face to say the least.
The rest of the game seemed ok, but honestly if you're constantly confronted with this mentality it has destroyed the game for me utterly.
I don't know if I ever get to the point of "regret", but disappointing games do happen. This is something I feel more often for games in well-established genres, since we have decades of previous projects to learn from, and yet some of the same pitfalls show up. I mean, platformers with dull, flat levels or ones in which moving around doesn't feel good?

Bad writing in long games with a lot of narrative content is also a pet peeve of mine. I am even fine with just "serviceable" writing, but if you want me to sit around for hours to wade through your story, at least make it somewhat decent.

Maybe I feel regret if I spent hours in a game before realizing I didn't like it, since I can't get that time back, but that's about it.
yester64: There are some games i do regret buying.
Mostly games i liked when i was young but now, i wonder why i have them.

One of my last games i kind of regret was Stasis Bone Totem. I really have a hard time to get into it.
The first game, named just Stasis, was actually kind of cool but the new one is so much different.
So i stopped playing it.

There are some other games where the title was interesting and due the fact that they were on sale, i bought them.
Another one was sunless sea. Never got into the title.

So it's not so much that the games are bad but i just didn't got into the UI or the game itself.

I am wondering if someone else has the same feeling about some games.

Share, if you like.
i regret rebuying games because as much as i had fun with them i cant replicate that feeling again. The games will eventually stop working on modern systems
Metal Knight 95 from KnightSoft Technologies Inc.

[A 2d turn-based strategy game.]

For me, this game was the turn-based strategy game to have, it was simple and addictive and I played it over and over again in single-player mode, as I had to buy the Gold version to be able to play against AI(s).

So regularly, when I see the online help and the text about the Gold version, I start fantasizing about what it would be like to play against an AI with visible units, like in Civilization 2.

Then one day I bought it, and the drama began. Despite a pseudo-choice of difficulty that was laughable, the game was terribly unbalanced.

Here's what happens at the end of a turn: there's no battle resolution screen and the units are invisible, you just get a simple message telling you whether a particular unit is dead or not, and the same goes for your bases.

In short, the AI is insurmountable and plays all too well, and the fact that there's no resolution screen to see how a battle is going, so that you can study a possible strategy, just ruins everything.

Of course, I tried different strategies several times, but no way! In short, the game disgusted the hell out of me.
Post edited October 01, 2023 by thedkm
natewrench: The games will eventually stop working on modern systems
I don't understand why we should accept that as a given. And isn't that why gog is here in the first place? Because we don't have to accept that as a given?
yester64: I am wondering if someone else has the same feeling about some games.

Share, if you like.
Very few.

The only one that comes to mind is GTA San Andreas.

I loved GTA, 2, 3 and Vice City/ The 3d ones were like being in the Sopranos or Scarface. Then, San Andreas came along. I absolutely hated the first act - it wasn't fun, it wasn't interesting and the setting didn't appeal to me. I didn't want some boring gangbanger lifestyle thing in early 90s LA - it wasn't what I enjoyed about GTA at all.

The only bit of that game I enjoyed was when the CIA bloke turned up. His missions were real GTA.

It's not an objectively bad game, just a setting that had no appeal to me and ruined it for me. Plus, at the time, I didn't have the money I do now, so a bad purchase actually had an impact on me in terms of other hobbies.
NuffCatnip: God of War 2018, what a disappointment. To think this was made by the same people that made the original trilogy.
Cadaver747: How strange. God of War [4] (2018) is my favorite game in all series, before that it was God of War 1 and then 2. God of War 3 was meh for me, worse than 2 games originally made for PSP, the PS3 only spin-off was also nice but it has different fighting mechanics which I'm not fond of.
Yeah, I was surprised by this take as well. I love the God of War reboot and had always thought it was a solid general recommendation. Well, I guess not as solid as I'd thought! To each their own. ;)

Have yet to play Ragnarok. It's sitting on the shelf, but haven't had the time.
With my backlog on PC and console, probably more than I realize. LOL. Anyways, out of the games I actually got around to playing, but end up not liking them....

A Boy and His Blob
Fear Effect: Sedna
Mount & Blade
Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition
Post edited October 01, 2023 by SpaceMadness
Usually games I didn't really play on my PS4 until I bought them again to play on PC, then not many, as I usually refund those I don't like quickly enough, but the ones I didn't refund or couldn't, because I didn't play the game until way later were Costume Quest, which I loathed for the boring gameplay that goes on for too long and Space Trader: Merchant Marine, which I couldn't read any reviews on yet and just bought it cause it looked interesting enough. Playing it a few months later, that was a big, big mistake.

Edit: Warhammer 40k Fire Warrior.
Post edited October 01, 2023 by Karl_the_Pain
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I sure do!

I regret buying "Skyrim: Anniversary Edition" on GOG, which I bought based on the false premise that all mods made for Skyrim would work with the GOG version, even though the many of the best mods don't (except for when the mod makers made a GOG-specific version of their mods, which most of them never have done and never will do).

And the GOG store page's trailer make it sound as if all mods will work with the GOG version with highly misleading statements like, "explore a decade's worth of content," which the customers/players cannot actually do with the GOG version, since the GOG version uses a different version number than the Steam version does, which causes tons of that content to be totally incompatible with the GOG version.

yadda yadda yadda
Sounds like you should piss off to Steam DRM

Every game I own on Steam which is available on GOG.

Aside from that, the specific games I wish I had never bought are

Red Dead Redemption 2 - the story and gameplay is boring to me

Control - for the reasons others have said.

Every single Early Access game - 90% of them are stuck in perpetual EA shielding or turn out to be garbage, the other 10% were good but should have waited.
Post edited October 01, 2023 by funnyonion
SpaceMadness: Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition
I had pretty high expectations of that one when I bought it, but still never played it. Even if it's an old game, says Intel graphics not supported and I just have the integrated GPU so didn't even try. Still, assume that a disappointment is very likely if/when I eventually will try it.
But the reason why I regret it, along with all others purchased for myself after that, till I finally said enough is enough for good, is that it was the first game purchased after GOG's "Good News" moment, after they claimed to be going back to their roots and made me tentatively call off that call for boycott I launched at that time, and made the purchase sort of as a gesture of goodwill, though they were just biding their time before really going full force in that direction.

Other than that, regret Risen. Not that I purchased the game in itself, but that I purchased it retail and it had TAGES, which is definitely not something I wanted to support. (Also saw it for one fifth of what I paid for it a little later in a bargain bin...)

I wouldn't say that there were any games I regret purchasing because of the games themselves.
I regret buying AER. It has no option to change the keybinding (I'm a leftie) and my controllers don't work with it.

Well, whatever, I moved on...
For me, I guess it's pretty much every game that got replaced with something else, mostly multiplayer titles. Stuff like Overwatch or CSGO come to mind, as well as titles like Endless Space or Stellaris. I just regret spending money on something i can't play anymore, i guess.
Star Trek: Bridge commander. Absolute garbage imo, its reputation mystifies me. Had it refunded.
Nations, and Alien Nations. What a steaming big pile of shite they are. And I bought them here after reading the reviews, believing that they were of similar style or even clones of the Settlers games. How wrong and disappointed was I... Stupid sounds effects, retarded, long-winded and confusing resource creation systems, and just completely underwhelming gaming loops for either game... They both have sat there in my GoG library collecting dust ever since I first purchased them, never to be played ever again...