Posted November 04, 2021

if you use them they are not useless
You know what I found is really useless (aka I regret collecting)? Coins & bills
As I said earlier I am a total wannabe, so I did not keep a lot of coins & bills of my period,
but not being rich/wealthy/from_a_royal_family those few really meant some sacrifize
that at the end did not pay off because they lost their money value after years...
My own lesson learned: F*ck off to appraise the art/style/commemorative stuff on coins & bills and stupidly collecting them!
Let that being done by the rich/wealthy/royal_families, from my side I will squeeze their money value while it worths, beauty or not!

Years later, I threw it all away during a frantic "clean your room" rampage. No regrets, just a little pang of nostalgia when I think about it.
For the last 15+ years, I've ben collecting yogurt cups. Why I don't know. Only collecting cups from plain organic yohurt, separated by brands. Have thought about getting rid of my huge collection but it's too epic to just throw away without finding out what the point of it all was. Just like life.
Nowadays I'm collecting swords, mainly steel but also synthetic/wood etc. All for practical use, no decorative wall hangers.
The rate at which I'm buying new swords is alarming and will probably bankrupt me. Even though I've managed to put a stop to my game purchasing addiction, I'm obviously not out of the woods. But this time it's different: Of the several hundred games I own, many are still unplayed but none of my swords are unused. Even the Iberian Montante has seen action. This is the way I should treat my game collection. As for the yogurt collection, no idea.
Perhaps I would play the devils advocate asking your consideration to spend some time to donate/pass the collection to someone that value it.
I barely glanced your thread and find it interesting, if you allow me, some questions:
After these years, have you found the void/why?
How do you reconcile/manage the recent years spree of free games? Do you accept those, have an impact on the vgames purchasing addiction?
What do you think about letting your grand/kids enjoy your collection? (legal ownership crap aside but under its boundaries)
If were possible to re-sell your games: would that be a relief to the affliction?
I don't want to derail the OP, if you consider this must be talked in your thread, please let me know.
Just keep in mind this days necro is subject to a ban due the fickle very subjective moderators criteria... [(LOL)]