VanishedOne: its basically utterly amazing how GOG cannot say "Here is an open window to release your game". This isn't rocket science.
Dealing with GOG is basically on par with dealing with Walmart. And that says a lot.
But they can NOT. They have to support the game as well, so if it's below their own threshold ... they are "drm-free", not "support-free". Also they surely want to support galaxy, that means to repack the installers in different way, and test that... that can't happen in a minute, more probably needs hours or days. It's different concept than steam, where you basically upload binaries yourself (as developer).
Let's calm down for a bit and admit this had no simple solution, every party did need a bit different things (global release date *vs* installer which will be probably being patched until very last minute *vs* GOG QA/support/repack thing *vs* GOG needs who-knows-how-much-time to prepare release news/web/etc...). ... there's no sane way you can have everything.
Also it sounds like the negotiation is ongoing further, the game was not rejected like rejected, only the "15th Nov release must be" was rejected by GOG as non-negotiable. So it may still get to the GOG.
I'm here on GOG probably way too long, that I'm not surprised by slightest bit of this situation.
Also I'm pretty sure there was somewhere in ascendant forum some post earlier, how they imagine the GOG release, and I wrote them reply already there, that that's not how GOG works... (not that I know exactly how they work, and the particular problematic details were a bit different, but the end result from user point of view is same, GOG will take more time ... so let's hope it's not "never" time, then all is fine for me).