2sexy4u: I can't imagine playing this game in low res, without alt to show items on the floor, without few badass quests this mod added and class abilities for warrior and others, and without trade stash so my mage can find items for my wariors but they can find some books for him.
Pherim: I find it a bit funny that you say you prefer Diablo 1 over 2, but cannot play it without a mod that makes it so similar to Diablo 2 in many ways, down to the added quests. But as I said, it remains Diablo 1 in essence, so I get why you might say that.
Simply ading few improvements and quests doesnt make this game like diablo 2. I was bored with diablo 2 and I was never bored with diablo 1 (well unless i spent countles hours them in short time span).
HD mod doesnt male it so D1 pretends to be D2. Its still D1 with same climate, but better gameplay and a litle more complexity. Thats it. No other Diablo game had or will have same atmosphere as this one had. Just U and dungeons full of monsters to slay. I know most people think D2 is the best but for me it goes D1>D3>D2 and hopefully D4 will land on second place there.
But one important thing - I was always playing Diablo as solo game. I did try D3 with friends few times, or D2 via lan or battlenet but it wasnt as fun for me as for many other people probably. And as single player experience D1 was alvays my favourite part of the trilogy, even more so with belzebub because I have chest for my spare loot I can use to trade stuff with my alts (trading with alts in D2 was a nightmare and I needed at least 2 computers to pull it off and a lot of unnececary trouble)