Posted September 22, 2015
Considering golems, clay is by far best, you can recast him whenever you want, so cast near a boss and he will get sloooow .... or cast away to check for ranged attacks, although more thna 1 point in any golem for me is quite useless as they arent there for damage and you can recast whenever you want.
Cow level NM has quite a chance of skillers and the cows are really easy with CE. If you have two diablos with two chars, you can kill the cow king with your necro while the other isnt in game and next games the other creates and opens portal and you can go in and kill cow king without the opener loosing his ability ;)
After there monsters with crushing blow? I thought that was only a player mod.
Extra points in Clay Golem is all about extra hp and more slow. Level 1 CG = 11% slow, while Level 10 CG = 51% slow. Monsters may get distracted when you recast, while ones already engaged with the golem will tend to stay engaged until something else happens (like it dies or moves).