Enebias: a stupid joke about China's current ruler isn't a big deal, and if God Emperor Xi can't take any kind of humor he should visit a psychiatrist for self esteem issues.
Agreed. It's the with Mohammed jokes that lead to the deaths of a magazine staff in Paris (Charlie Hebdo shooting). If your divine figure can't take a joke, it's a pretty brittle one...
On the other hand that is our Western perspective... and also a recent one. People who made fun of Hitler were threatened with death not only in Germany, but in the whole Western world between 1934 and 1938. Many people saw him as a visionary, messiah even, before WW2. People are like that in times of trouble, and China has went through a lot of that. Or think of the "Communist craze" in 'Murica under Carter.
To defeat an enemy, you have first to understand them, and also understand yourself. And it's, by irony of fate, a Chinese who wrote that, Sun Tzu. The Chinese apply that, we don't, they win.