Crimson-X: You can now purchase both Devotion and Detention plus their soundtracks from the developer's website.
They are both DRM Free.
DD & Ji Ji:
404 This page could not be found.
DD & Ji Ji: They acknowledged this on their Twitter as an issue on their end they're working to fix (
From the description of the symptoms, what could work in the meantime is if you temporarily set your browser to only send the
HTTP Accept-Languages: en-US, en header (not anything else, like
en-AU for example).
In Chrome, go to
chrome://settings/languages; in Firefox, it's
about:config, and then
This is just a guess, so the issue might be something else but I've been able to use the website with that header set to
en-US,en or
en-US,en;q=0.9 without any redirections.