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Well this settles it; I'll wait for a complete edition & get it at a deep discount.

Leucius: All the good will Squeenix generated over the past few years just took a leap out the window. I think I'm going to stop purchasing their new games for a while.
What good will? After their comments in favour of DRM, the appalling state of the Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut and their complete apathy towards all the problems it has I wasn't aware they had any good will left.

(I have both the original release and the director's cut of DXHR and the director's cut is a mess, suffering from a lot of problems that the original release doesn't have - e.g. stuttering/performance issues, texture issues, lighting issues, distracting pop-in, missing graphical effects etc... the original release is by far the better version. They released one patch that fixed a few of the issues and promised that another patch was planned, but that was almost two years ago now and they've long gone silent about it so I highly doubt they give a shit any more)
Post edited September 01, 2015 by adamhm
adamhm: Well this settles it; I'll wait for a complete edition & get it at a deep discount.

Leucius: All the good will Squeenix generated over the past few years just took a leap out the window. I think I'm going to stop purchasing their new games for a while.
adamhm: What good will? After their comments in favour of DRM, the appalling state of the Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut and their complete apathy towards all the problems it has I wasn't aware they had any good will left.

(I have both the original release and the director's cut of DXHR and the director's cut is a mess, suffering from a lot of problems that the original release doesn't have - e.g. stuttering/performance issues, texture issues, lighting issues, distracting pop-in, missing graphical effects etc... the original release is by far the better version. They released one patch that fixed a few of the issues and promised that another patch was planned, but that was almost two years ago now and they've long gone silent about it so I highly doubt they give a shit any more)
I had assumed with all the work they put into re-releasing FF XIV that they had garnered some trust, however small. I guess I was wrong :)
Bet FF16 will contain all kind of micro transactions as well (if it ever gets released on pc). Didn't FF13-2 "true ending" end up as a paid DLC? :s
Hahahahahahahahahaha! Just saw the video! Can't stop laughing!! They must be joking...
Zurvan7: Bet FF16 will contain all kind of micro transactions as well (if it ever gets released on pc). Didn't FF13-2 "true ending" end up as a paid DLC? :s
Do you mean the part with lightning you need to play to fully understand the story of FF13-3? Yes that was a paid Story-DLC at least on console (haven't played it on PC one time was enough but I'm sure there it was one too) and it was obviously cut out because the field on the timeline already existetd in the game it just wasn't avaiable.
Leucius: I had assumed with all the work they put into re-releasing FF XIV that they had garnered some trust, however small. I guess I was wrong :)
Heh, well they lost enough of my trust and respect that it'll take quite a bit more than that :p About the only way they'd convince me to pre-order DXMD now is if they suddenly decided a GOG release would be a good idea... but I very much doubt that'd happen, given their recent(ish) comments on DRM.

If anything, I expect that DXMD will have double-stacked DRM, probably Steam+Denuvo, and there's no way I'll accept anything with Denuvo so if they do that then they can forget about me ever buying DXMD unless it gets released here. Steam alone is bad enough and is as much as I'll tolerate (and even then usually only at deep discount). Anything more than that (or UPlay, Origin or other DRM) = no deal.
Post edited September 01, 2015 by adamhm
So, another game where I have to wait a long time to get a complete copy? Which is a shame as I really like this series. But this kind of ridiculousness rules out the possibility of me buying this before it hits a sale.
I don't know where the problem lies.
Don't buy it, give your attention to studios that do not do stuff like this.

Too many people support DRM, pre-order boni, Day-1-DLC, In-Game-Purchases, etc... with their money although there are so many better (mostly indie) studios where you can spend your money and have a great time playing games.

Stop talking about such games and start talking about stuff that is worthy of promotion.
Without those threads, I wouldn't know what's happening in the AAA world at all and everything I see about it repels me.

Here, this is the future:

Or is it already the present?
Post edited September 01, 2015 by Klumpen0815
JinKazaragi: Bad enough that there's an exclusive mission in the CE but offering it that way is even worse.
I really hope they run out of such stupid idea someday.
But hey, if we all go out and buy loads and loads of copies then they'll release it




Klumpen0815: I don't know where the problem lies.
Don't buy it, give your attention to studios that do not do stuff like this.

Too many people support DRM, pre-order boni, Day-1-DLC, In-Game-Purchases, etc... with their money although there are so many better (mostly indie) studios where you can spend your money and have a great time playing games.

Stop talking about such games and start talking about stuff that is worthy of promotion.
Without those threads, I wouldn't know what's happening in the AAA world at all and everything I see about it repels me.
The problem is that they (at least sometimes) still make great games and it sucks if they do things like that.
Of course you don't have to buy it and I for my part won't at least not in the near future but you can still be angry about it.

We would still hear about the AAA titles because of promotion from the companies or the people who con't care about this.
Those threads here are important because some people might see it and decide not to support it, I wouldn't even know about it if it weren't posted here.
Post edited September 01, 2015 by JinKazaragi
stg83: Even if its going to be newly created, as long as it is finished before the release then it should be a part of the game for everyone. A single mission is going to be stripped and sold as pre-order incentive while every customer that doesn't fall for this bullshit crowd sourced pre-order scheme will essentially be punished by not being given the story content after the game is released.
You don't know that the DLC mission was stripped. It could be a brand new bit of content or it might be restored deleted content, or... it COULD be a completed mission they stripped from the main game. You can question what they did but again, I don't think it's fair to condemn them for something you don't have proof of. This is why we have courts and don't just take people's accusations as truths.

If they did indeed figure the pre-order incentives were enough to pay the devs a little extra to create some more skins and restore a mission that otherwise wouldn't have made the game / made a new mission (if that's what happened) then would you be happier that they didn't spend the extra money and the game be released with no extra pre-order content? Would you be happier that nobody has those things rather than some people having them?

And as for how you said that everything finished before release should be part of the game, why do you think that? If I made a game and then my publisher told me they'd give me $100 for another hour of work to create an alternate look for my main character so that they can bundle it only for those who pre-ordered my game, would I be wrong to take that offer? I wasn't going to make it in the first place, a little new content for some people and $100 for me, yeah I'd probably do that. If Apple decided pre-orders of the iPhone 7 includes some kind of digitizer stylus while later adopters would have to purchase it separately, would you say that's bullshit since the digitizer and the iPhone 7 are both finished before release, the digitizer should be a part of the iPhone 7 for everyone? Digital content still cost to produce, even if there's no physical parts to it like the stylus.

Anyway I'm not a fan of pre-orders either because I find it a waste of money and I too find it an anti-consumer practice and afraid of the slippery slope of where it might lead, but I just wanted to be the devil's advocate in this case.
Post edited September 02, 2015 by GoJays2025
GoJays2025: You don't know that the DLC mission was stripped. It could be a brand new bit of content or it might be restored deleted content, or... it COULD be a completed mission they stripped from the main game. You can question what they did but again, I don't think it's fair to condemn them for something you don't have proof of. This is why we have courts and don't just take people's accusations as truths.
My definition of stripped content is something you plan and create almost six months in advance before the release just to then use it as pre-order incentive and sell it as Day One DLC. Publishers have been doing this for years with games like Mass Effect 3 (From Ashes DLC), Street Fighter x Tekken, Resident Evil 6 and most recently Mortal Kombat X Goro on disc DLC to name a few. The corporate strategy of most publishers is to milk customers for all their worth and treat them like giant bags of money.

GoJays2025: If they did indeed figure the pre-order incentives were enough to pay the devs a little extra to create some more skins and restore a mission that otherwise wouldn't have made the game / made a new mission (if that's what happened) then would you be happier that they didn't spend the extra money and the game be released with no extra pre-order content? Would you be happier that nobody has those things rather than some people having them?
No I would be happier if everyone has those things regardless of whether they pre-ordered or bought the game after release. If its story related content no matter how large or small then I definitely won't be happy along with everyone else that committed the cardinal sin of blindly forking over their money for game well in advance.

I will definitely be displeased with companies that knowingly commission content as pre-order incentive to make even more money on top of the $60 dollars the rest of the consumers will have to pay for the extra mission just because they wanted to wait for some reviews to determine the quality of the game. So you along with others may find nothing wrong with things like pre-order retailer exclusive content along with timed exclusive story missions DLC in Batman Arkham Knight for example but quite a few people aren't too keen to pay a $100 dollars for it and are turned off from supporting such "standard industry practices".

GoJays2025: And as for how you said that everything finished before release should be part of the game, why do you think that? If I made a game and then my publisher told me they'd give me $100 for another hour of work to create an alternate look for my main character so that they can bundle it only for those who pre-ordered my game, would I be wrong to take that offer? I wasn't going to make it in the first place, a little new content for some people and $100 for me, yeah I'd probably do that. If Apple decided pre-orders of the iPhone 7 includes some kind of digitizer stylus while later adopters would have to purchase it separately, would you say that's bullshit since the digitizer and the iPhone 7 are both finished before release, the digitizer should be a part of the iPhone 7 for everyone? Digital content still cost to produce, even if there's no physical parts to it like the stylus.
As a consumer I'm not interested in what the publisher has to devise and plan to exploit me for paying upfront cash for a game that I can't possibly know for sure is going to be good or not before release. My main concern would be to have access to all previously created content for the $60 dollars on release and not have to pay for the pre-order bonus stuff separately. This may seem like a radical notion but let us look at another Square Enix game that is going to be released this year "Hitman", which is in stark contrast to the shameful exploitation attempt with the new "Deus Ex" game.

IO Interactive is releasing their game for $60 dollars with no pre-order bonuses, no retailer exclusive content, no microtransactions and not even paid cosmetic DLC. They have said that everything will be added to the game after release will be covered by the $60 dollars that all customers will pay for it. Here is a quote from IO Interactive studio head Hannes Seifert about their approach and why they are doing it this way:

"Everything we ship on December 8 will be completely finished, it will be a very polished experience. It's also going to be a very big game. There are other products that sell a game for $60 and then try to sell you a Season Pass for another $40 on top, so you spend $100 or $120 for all the stuff that happens later on.

We said no, we don't want to do that. We think it's wrong to approach players like that because players want to be part of that experience but they don't necessarily want to be ripped off. What we're going to sell is all of that but it's for a one-price package."

Granted the game is going for a non-traditional development and release model as it won't be a finished game upon release but will have story content added throughout the next year. But it is extremely refreshing to see such a respectful attitude from a studio towards their consumers as its all about the perception really that people will have of a particular company in the end. Another quote explains that game will not short change customers because of the unusual release model and will refrain from charging extra for story mission that will keep them engaged with the game for months.

"So it's a very big game [that] we will keep updating. It's $60, no dollar more, no DLC or microtransactions or stuff like that. You will buy it and you will have entertainment for a few months on top."

So tl;dr from a consumer stand point its all about the perception that they will have for publishers that just want to find new ways for exploiting them by making as much money off of them early on as humanly possible. Even Capcom, company notorious for their anti-consumer practices finally realized this and declared they were going to do away with on disc DLC.

Now they are releasing Street Fighter V with free content updates where it will be possible to unlock new playable character by simply playing it instead of having to pay for a new or upgraded edition seperately. Here is a quote from Capcom regarding this initiative and moving away from multiple updated editions like the previous Street Fighter IV:

"While these one-time updates did revive interest in the series every few years, it was difficult to keep players engaged for long periods of time unless they were competitive. This also punished players who took a break from playing the game, because if they wanted to start again in a few years, they would be forced to purchase an upgrade to join the existing player pool who had already moved on to a new version. On top of that, this old method also forced players to purchase all of the new content, even if only a few characters may have appealed to them."

GoJays2025: Anyway I'm not a fan of pre-orders either because I find it a waste of money and I too find it an anti-consumer practice and afraid of the slippery slope of where it might lead, but I just wanted to be the devil's advocate in this case.
Yet here you're defending one of the worst offenders that actively encourages consumers to not only act against their own best interests by pre-ordering the game but also advocating others to do the same, so that more tiers can be unlocked for additional bonuses which would finally culminate in the game being playable for them four days earlier then everyone else that had the common sense to wait for some information regarding the state of the game incase it happens to be bug ridden mess on release.

Furthermore the multiple DLC tier reward system is duping customers into thinking that they are being given more choices while infact its actually taking away the extra content that they did not chose and therefore won't receive just like it happens with retailer exclusive pre-order DLC. You along with others may consider these "standard industry practices" to be fair game and totally justifiable to make as much money upfront as possible from consumers but many including myself are not fine with these shady attempts and will definitely not support such endeavors. Companies like CD Projekt RED that treat their consumers with respect and decency will benefit in the long run compared to the short term gains devs/publishers like Eidos Montreal/Square Enix are desperately seeking with their increasingly anti-consumer strategies.
Post edited September 02, 2015 by stg83
I remember when CDPR had their beard dlc on the preorder bonus page. These companies have fools working in their marketing departments. They don't understand the difference between content that should already be in the game and content that rewards people for preordering at full price. :P
stg83: No I would be happier if everyone has those things regardless of whether they pre-ordered or bought the game after release. If its story related content no matter how large or small then I definitely won't be happy along with everyone else that committed the cardinal sin of blindly forking over their money for game well in advance.

I will definitely be displeased with companies that knowingly commission content as pre-order incentive to make even more money on top of the $60 dollars the rest of the consumers will have to pay for the extra mission just because they wanted to wait for some reviews to determine the quality of the game. So you along with others may find nothing wrong with things like pre-order retailer exclusive content along with timed exclusive story missions DLC in Batman Arkham Knight for example but quite a few people aren't too keen to pay a $100 dollars for it and are turned off from supporting such "standard industry practices".
But a) you're not paying extra for pre-ordering, you're just taking more of a risk of it being a stinker, and b) without the commission of pre-order incentives those skins may not have been created in the first place. While a more noble company might have taken the time to create any additional skins they didn't get time to create / reconstructed cut missions as free DLC for all, businesses aren't about nobility. Businesses are about profits. If they deem it worthy to pay a couple of artists extra for some skins and pay a couple of writers extra for a novella to push sales then that's what they'll do. Just like many of us aren't going to work overtime purely out of the goodness of our hearts and not expect to get paid, same goes for the additional content. Basically - without funding for pre-order DLCs those pieces might not exist at all, so even though they're not going to be available for everyone, at least some people will be able to enjoy those DLCs rather than everyone having nothing.

stg83: As a consumer I'm not interested in what the publisher has to devise and plan to exploit me for paying upfront cash for a game that I can't possibly know for sure is going to be good or not before release. My main concern would be to have access to all previously created content for the $60 dollars on release and not have to pay for the pre-order bonus stuff separately. This may seem like a radical notion but let us look at another Square Enix game that is going to be released this year "Hitman", which is in stark contrast to the shameful exploitation attempt with the new "Deus Ex" game.
Everything a business does is calculated. I would find it MORE likely that for example with Hitman, the free DLC are actually items cut from the main game to be given away in pieces as a sign of good will (sometimes I wonder if CDPR did that with Witcher 3). What the studio head said? Probably more stuff to generate good will and generate positive word of mouth about the game leading to more purchases. Different strategy to Deus Ex, one is trying to grab pre-orders while the other is trying to create a better image for the studio and increase sales of the game in the long run. I have nothing to back up anything with obviously, but they must have their reasons why such strategies might increase profits.
stg83: Yet here you're defending one of the worst offenders that actively encourages consumers to not only act against their own best interests by pre-ordering the game but also advocating others to do the same, so that more tiers can be unlocked for additional bonuses which would finally culminate in the game being playable for them four days earlier then everyone else that had the common sense to wait for some information regarding the state of the game incase it happens to be bug ridden mess on release.
I can argue for either side. I enjoy arguing for sides I don't even agree with, as is in this case. You can't be so one-sided in any debate - there's always logic on both sides. Anyway the only way to stop publishers doing this is simply not indulging them. As profit is the reason for pretty much the entirety of all business decisions, if you don't throw money at stupid pre-order DLCs then they'll be forced to try other things in the future, and perhaps free DLCs are the way to go (though they could try cutting content from the main game to give the illusion of a 'free' extra), or maybe a completely new route.
Post edited September 02, 2015 by GoJays2025


Still it will be interesting to see how much their "Kickstarter Stretch Goal" reach.
Post edited September 02, 2015 by Gnostic