Posted October 23, 2018

However it looks like they've got rid of some of the team members from the original: Sam looks to have been replaced by a female character, while the Sanchez character is now called 'Hector'. Sadness.
Personally its tiresome to read and listen to all that nagging and whining women should have equal rights like men have, cause they already have it, they are equal to men but with the physical jobs like construction there are few of them, not refering to engineer and office stuff like that :D , no the heavvy duty work, lifting and digging :D there are only a few.
Anyway women only want the easy jobs .... if they want 50-50 , jobs like coalmining and lifting bags of cement, will be part of it : afterall its 50-50 they ask for :D
i noticed many of the games with engine similar like that use weird effects: look at that 'shockwave' like animation
maybe its because of my sensitive eyes but i experience that effect as annoying , and there are lots of it ..

I know many games use a character that looks like its a 3d render but that is not as bad as it seems, the problem is the way they use it: nighlong has pretty ugly 3d characters yet the game is playable for me in a way cause it doesnt rotate nor zoom in out, its straight forward .
Post edited October 23, 2018 by gamesfreak64