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UPDATE: Heads up! There are 24h left, so now is the time to take advantage of the amazing deals and upgrade your collections. Eyes on the price, Boo, eyes on the price!

Years ago, the Baldur's Gate series changed the way we look at gaming and the scope of what was considered possible. Even now, the legacy continues through the Enhanced Editions – thanks to the hard work and years of updates to keep the inimitable Infinity Engine living on.

It's the work on the Enhanced Editions that made <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span> possible – the just-released, massive expansion to the timeless classic, available only for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.

"The team at Beamdog was able to breathe a new life into the Infinity Engine classics." says Greg Tito, Communications Director for Dungeons & Dragons "We're proud to recognize their excellent work in offering the best possible experience and support for these legendary titles. We want these to become the definitive editions – featuring both the enhanced and classic versions of the games."

On April 29, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition will be expanded to include the classic versions – each becoming the Definitive Edition Bundle and not available for purchase separately. If you already own the classics on, the games currently on your shelf won't be affected.

"We're excited to take our commitment and support to Baldur's Gate and GOG fans to the next level and humbled to work with such great partners. The Definitive Edition Bundle will give every Baldur's Gate fan what they're looking for" – concludes Cameron Tofer, Beamdog COO.

In the near future, we're also looking forward to full GOG Galaxy support for achievements in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition – as well as in the Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear expansion.

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition will be 75% off until April 4 11:59 PM PDT / April 5 2:59 AM EDT/ 7:59 BST and 60% off until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 60% discount for Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 85% discount for owners of the original saga will last until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by maladr0Id
Grargar: The discount has just ended. Let's see how the merging will occur.
Edit: Now Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga, Baldur's Gate 2 Complete and Icewind Dale Complete have been removed from the store.
Edit 2: Oh, now I see. Giftcodes for Baldur's Gate 1, Baldur's Gate 2 and Icewind Dale have been added to the Enhanced Editions under the "Serial Keys" tab.
Hah, I'm lucky I got the originals on CD, because I don't recall being emailed about the normal codes when I bought the EE versions on here.

That said, the EE's are significantly better than the originals (even if the GOG versions don't require that annoying zone CD swapping.) Zooming in is something I've wanted for ages. Windows and Linux have been able to zoom in while using the software renderer for more than a decade. BG had no excuse for lacking a zoom function. But we all already knew that.
Ha, I did get Giftcodes for the classic games. Cool move, so I don`t have to buy them!!!
Gilozard: As has been pointed out multiple times, including on this very page, GOG does not control the rights and probably had nothing to do with this decision.
Bullshit. GOG has far more control than most of you are willing to admit. They don't have to give in to such idiotic, anti-consumer demands. Pull the fucking games off the catalog again. The road of ethical compromise is a hole with no bottom, and GOG has jumped in the hole willingly and without apology. This incident is just one more in a long, long list. It's disgusting. As someone who has championed GOG for years I find it all inexcusable.
Post edited April 29, 2016 by bigsilverhotdog
Does anyone know where my code is supposed to be? I'm new to GoG, so maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm not seeing where it's supposed to be or if I've even received it. Does it take a while for them to be sent out?
terriblegregory: Does anyone know where my code is supposed to be? I'm new to GoG, so maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm not seeing where it's supposed to be or if I've even received it. Does it take a while for them to be sent out?
Click on the Enhanced Edition, Select more > Serial Keys.
terriblegregory: Does anyone know where my code is supposed to be? I'm new to GoG, so maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm not seeing where it's supposed to be or if I've even received it. Does it take a while for them to be sent out?
omega64: Click on the Enhanced Edition, Select more > Serial Keys.
Thank you!
AccurateArt: I cannot say that I disagree with you. My point here is simple: People should feel free to say whatever it is that they want to say in so far as it does not dive into illegal forms of expression - (i.e. claiming that someone here molested a child or any other type of libel).. I do not think banning should be implemented simply because a person gets offended by content. With that said, I am okay with people making the argument that others should not say such things, but to imply that "I am in favor of freedom of expression" while making statements like "I wish other people would stop expressing their feelings that I disagree with" is a bit odd to say the least (keep in mind these are not direct quotes, but what I felt was implied from the posts above).

Thanks for the discussion!
Gilozard: emphasis mine

You're arguing against a strawman - not what the poster actually said, but what you felt was implied. That's a straight up logical fallacy. Good on you for admitting it, but please do stick to things that people actually say.

No one has said 'these people shouldn't talk'. People have said 'we wish these people would moderate their speech or at least talk elsewhere'. One is calling for suppression of freedom, one is not. The difference is quite large, and understanding it is important.
Let me clarify my previous statement as people have raised concerns to one degree or another regarding freedom of speech here (trustleft, kingbradley7, and drmfro specifically on pages 12 and 13). My initial statement was a reaction to the following conversation (I could have cited others of course):

trusteft: "I just find it funny how the promoters of "freedom" are the first to ask for bans."
dtgreene: "Your freedom ends when it infringes on mine, in general. For example, you are not free to assault others, because doing so deprives people of their freedoms. (I should also note that the particular three letter abbreviation is a strong signal that the person using it is a bigot.)"

One wonders to what degree this would be a strawman, so let us consider the evidence:

Point 1. When trustleft was pointing out the contradictory nature of being for freedom and for bans, dtgreene did not contest the point being brought up. Instead, we are left with the vague "your freedom ends when it infringes on mine" - this leaves individuals like myself to try and make the connection as to what that has to do with "bans" and "freedom" unless we are to assume that dtgreene did not understand the post or posting something unrelated all together. That leaves individuals to try and piece together the implications of that particular quote.

Point 2. Keep in mind, I also did make this point to dtgreene:

AccurateArt: "I'd be alright with people expressing all forms of speech (I encourage this in my classroom). The only thing I ask is that people who express opinions on an issue be ready to back them up when challenged. Where I become confused here is that you are essentially arguing that we ought to ban this person from expressing himself [...]"

To which dtgreene replied: "Consider this to be backed up the same way TinyE backed up their opinion (the one I quoted earlier)."

Notice that dtgreene did not argue that I had an incorrect interpretation of his view which also feeds into why I said what I said.So while I did not use any direct quotes in my initial post (something I have corrected for in this post), I can assure you that I am certainly not engaging in a strawman argument here.

Thanks for the post though!
Post edited April 30, 2016 by AccurateArt
high rated
dtgreene: Is there a reason you have to be so hostile *and* inaccurate here?
Starmaker: Yes. I no longer represent a product or a community and I've stopped giving a fuck. You can't police other people's identities except where it pertains to excluding people from your group and even then it's a group decision and you only have a vote.

As for the topic:

1. I fully support Beamdog in editing the script for the EEs. Baldur's Gate was sexist and transphobic trash. Now I might actually play the games as intended, without reading the walkthrough and pre-picking quests and companions and installing a ton of potentially incompatible mods so as not to encounter content that warrants an e-punch in the e-nuts over TCP/IP.

2. Removing the original versions from direct sale is okay. There are other developers who aren't particularly keen on making original versions available in any shape or form, and yet there's no controversy.

3. References are fucking everywhere in gaming, some worse than others. Beamdog's dig toward a hate group is something I 100% applaud. (Bought the expansion on release, too.)

4. Gators trying to infringe on the artistic vision of the devs and censor content are fucking hilarious.
4.5 As long as the administration allows posting racist and sexist shit on the forum, I see no purpose in declaring certain words or expressions inadvisable. Particularly characteristic expressions allow me to quickly ignore a user and move on to reading posts which are worth my time.

5. GOG should absolutely delete gator reviews. They had deleted the antisemitic shit on the gamecard for The Shivah, and this is no different.

6. However, reviews for original games should be made available. I actually went to the thread to see if there's ongoing effort to preserve reviews. I did make a local copy, but one of the Archive Team's principles is that nothing is truly preserved until it's online and accessible. (Perhaps gogwiki can be used for this?)
6.5 I remember a scathing review of one of Baldur's Gate games by GOG user SimonG. Why can't I find it? Am I blind? Is it gone? Was it perhaps "reported" into deletion by fanbois? Did SimonG change his username (in that case, don't tell me)?
Well, time to start going through classic literature and other works to start editing out the problematic material, lest someone get offended in the least. Special enhanced editions for everyone!

There's only so much you can change before a classic piece of fiction, emphasis on fiction here, becomes something completely different.

As you yourself say, people "trying to infringe on the artistic vision of the devs and censor content" are indeed hilarious. It need not be said, but highly ironic.

It's also interesting that there's never ever been a complaint or comment about this series of games being "sexist' or "transphobic" up until this situation. I don't even believe the games have ever actively, directly, and/or cohesively suggested as such.

Not only that, but individual characters having their own views and personalities isn't the same as those views and personalities being real-life fact. It turns out this is how real-life is, too, people have their own beliefs, feelings, and opinions that don't necessarily agree with anyone else's and aren't all necessarily "fact" either. You'll be hard-pressed to ever find someone who has an "absolute truth" that isn't contradicted by another. Flawed characters are a thing, and Baldur's Gate is known for having some of the best, who can grow in different directions as you make choices and play along.

Removing the originals to tie in with only their enhanced versions is a different beast than what your loose comparison makes it out to be. In this case, they were already available on their own before and through the release of the enhanced editions. Not related in the least to the idea of original versions not being available from the start, which is where the argument changes into "They should be made available."

All that being said, there's no need to be hostile. All opinions are supposed to have some merit, and discussion is supposed to help others understand another's viewpoint, not to beat them down if they disagree with you.
Grargar: The discount has just ended. Let's see how the merging will occur.
Edit: Now Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga, Baldur's Gate 2 Complete and Icewind Dale Complete have been removed from the store.
Edit 2: Oh, now I see. Giftcodes for Baldur's Gate 1, Baldur's Gate 2 and Icewind Dale have been added to the Enhanced Editions under the "Serial Keys" tab.
I am a bit confused - so you redeem them as separate products or is it something you just download from the extras?
AccurateArt: I am a bit confused - so you redeem them as separate products or is it something you just download from the extras?
You redeem the codes and the original versions are added as separate boxes to your account.
AccurateArt: I am a bit confused - so you redeem them as separate products or is it something you just download from the extras?
Grargar: You redeem the codes and the original versions are added as separate boxes to your account.
Thanks for the clarification!
AccurateArt: Thanks for the clarification!
No problem.
high rated
So they are gone now? It's sad, it feels like an important piece of gog's history is gone now.
javier0889: it feels like an important piece of gog's history is gone now.
What do you mean? I'm still here.
Out of curiosity (since the store page doesn't make this clear), do these codes people are getting for the classic versions contain all the original bonuses for those classic versions (as opposed to what happened with the Fallouts' bonuses when they returned)?