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UPDATE: Heads up! There are 24h left, so now is the time to take advantage of the amazing deals and upgrade your collections. Eyes on the price, Boo, eyes on the price!

Years ago, the Baldur's Gate series changed the way we look at gaming and the scope of what was considered possible. Even now, the legacy continues through the Enhanced Editions – thanks to the hard work and years of updates to keep the inimitable Infinity Engine living on.

It's the work on the Enhanced Editions that made <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span> possible – the just-released, massive expansion to the timeless classic, available only for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.

"The team at Beamdog was able to breathe a new life into the Infinity Engine classics." says Greg Tito, Communications Director for Dungeons & Dragons "We're proud to recognize their excellent work in offering the best possible experience and support for these legendary titles. We want these to become the definitive editions – featuring both the enhanced and classic versions of the games."

On April 29, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition will be expanded to include the classic versions – each becoming the Definitive Edition Bundle and not available for purchase separately. If you already own the classics on, the games currently on your shelf won't be affected.

"We're excited to take our commitment and support to Baldur's Gate and GOG fans to the next level and humbled to work with such great partners. The Definitive Edition Bundle will give every Baldur's Gate fan what they're looking for" – concludes Cameron Tofer, Beamdog COO.

In the near future, we're also looking forward to full GOG Galaxy support for achievements in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition – as well as in the Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear expansion.

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition will be 75% off until April 4 11:59 PM PDT / April 5 2:59 AM EDT/ 7:59 BST and 60% off until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 60% discount for Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 85% discount for owners of the original saga will last until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by maladr0Id
low rated

Ed Greenwood
Yesterday at 7:06pm

As the cut and thrust over Siege of Dragonspear continues, it seems to me that many posters on the matter have wildly (in some cases, perhaps willfully) misinterpreted what I've said.

I have NOT commented on how the game is written or plays, because (for years now) I have not been shown computer game licenses for my approval/lore input...including this one, so I CAN'T ethically comment on it (as I haven't seen it).
I posted what I did in response to online gamer comments that claimed a trans character, or lesbian or gay characters, weren't in keeping with the lore of the Realms, and that there was no canon basis for them. That is BS, because such characters have been in the setting since before D&D or ANY computer games existed (yes, I created the Realms in the mid 1960s, before any roleplaying games had been crafted).

So no one "misled" me, and no one is muzzling or directing what I say or can't say. I spoke out against some false arguments within my area of expertise (want "the" master of Realmslore? well, that'd be me), and went farther reacting to the hatred and vitriol expressed by some against people that in some cases they've never met and never will.

I have not defended the writing or coding of the game, because I can't, simply because I have not personally seen or played it. And, no, I'm not avoiding this or any computer game deliberately; I simply have no time in my life for playing computer games except as part of paid work: I have a wife to nurse and a day job to hold down; writing, game design, and publishing are all "second job" work for me. Yes, really.
What about Edwina?
GrossorMD: What about Edwina?
A funny character quest.
He deserved that, btw XD
Well, now they are bought.
high rated
It seems that even Beamdog knows that their product is shit, otherwise they'd let people have the choice to get either the classic or "enhanced" version instead of forcing both down people's throat in a pricier bundle.
WereSquirrel: It seems that even Beamdog knows that their product is shit, otherwise they'd let people have the choice to get either the classic or "enhanced" version instead of forcing both down people's throat in a pricier bundle.
I seem to have both in my library now. Hopefully it doesn't change after this month. I mostly bought enhanced because you can zoom at will. Also it was pretty cheap.
I already got both... what I really need is that they update BG EE II to get the italian language...
I bought ee for mac native version and italian language, but they fail to update BG II EE with italian language.
Antimateria: I seem to have both in my library now. Hopefully it doesn't change after this month. I mostly bought enhanced because you can zoom at will. Also it was pretty cheap.
It doesn't change. If you own both the classical versions and the Enhanced versions you will still be able to download both versions.
I might pick these up in future only out of respect of supporting Linux, if following conditions will be met:

1) they'll be polished to the same level as classic versions;
2) good "LGBT-Be-Gone" mod will be released.
Antimateria: I seem to have both in my library now. Hopefully it doesn't change after this month. I mostly bought enhanced because you can zoom at will. Also it was pretty cheap.
jepsen1977: It doesn't change. If you own both the classical versions and the Enhanced versions you will still be able to download both versions.
8 euros.. seemed decent.
From a business perspective this makes a lot of sense, really. It's interesting that the EEs thrive with new expansions, Galaxy achievements and the like. Let's face it, a lot of people probably wouldn't ever bother with the EEs when they could buy the tried and tested classic versions cheaper on the same platform.

Bundling the classic editions as bonus goodies is a fair middle-ground, I think. What I expect for this to go as smooth as possible is that they include all of the current bonus goodies for the classic editions into the definitive editions, not just the classic installers. Furthermore, I expect the current base price for the Enhanced Editions to be the same for the Definitive Editions.

At the end of the day, this promo allows people who still don't have any to want to buy the classic editions (trough the EEs) for $7.99 each (and get the EEs as bonus) and the people who own the classics to get the EEs for $2.99 each.
Post edited April 09, 2016 by Nix31
high rated
vsr: I might pick these up in future only out of respect of supporting Linux, if following conditions will be met:

1) they'll be polished to the same level as classic versions;
2) good "LGBT-Be-Gone" mod will be released.
Someone already made that mod:


I couldn't help but giggle.
I'll get the non-infected, non-beamdog'ed games before this month ends, given that they'll be bundled with the EE, (the fucked) editions after that . But i aint going to fucking support those beamdog assholes by doing it, and as such, do purchases of the original games before they bundle them go to Beamdog?
Post edited April 09, 2016 by thewitcherpotion
Looks like Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear is getting patched in the future to get rid of the bad Gamergate joke and the shoehorned transgender nonsense. I don't mind trans-gendered characters, but hopefully they'll make Mizhena an actual PERSON in patches. You know, goals, dreams, motivations... You know, actual human things.

I don't expect the game will be MUCH better, and the money that might have gone to it will go to Numinera or elsewhere instead, and I'm sad it took a solid week of escalating anger for Beamdog to back down on this. Here's hoping, however, that they learn how to be professionals in the future.
Question concerning merge:

Is there any way to prevent the merging of the originals inside the Enhanced Editions? Other than requesting GOG staff to delete the Enhanced Edition games on my library? Ideally, i would refund the EEs, but unluckily, even though i only played them once each for a couple of minutes, never to go through the entire game at all since many months ago, i am not within the rules to be eligible for this (to refund).

So, if i want to stay with only the good old stuff, do i have to get rid of the new, intrusive garbage? Honestly, after Dragonspear, i consider it a disgrace to both BG and good old games, to have the EEs inside my library, a real insult, like a sacrilege. Let alone for them to absorb the originals, nonetheless...
Post edited April 11, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7